But, the most basic point is to… Ignite a love of language learning and tie it to their interest in STEM! Have your students own it, use it, keep it in their lives.
STEM students need to learn to negotiate meaning GeoFigs Activity
STEM students need to learn clarity and negotiating meaning https://www.facebook.com/ThinkingHumanity/photos/a.673106812750211.1073741828.673094636084762/1183907595003461/?type=3
Sometimes you need to rethink your plans Are you choosing convenience over what is needed? Nasreddin looking for his glasses Use of non-STEM due to needs analysis
needs analysis in English for stem Real world language and issues are necessary in STEM for English. Needs analysis is discussed but sometimes skimmed over. Much time, effort, and money is wasted due to insufficient needs analysis.
Basic tips 1. Plan for your students 10 years from now. 2. Leverage background knowledge and interests. 3. Understand and incorporate the scientific method and the engineering design process. 4. Focus on real-world issues and problems. 5. Include open-ended language use and exploration.