Form 1 Mathematics Result Term 1 Examination Form 1 Mathematics Result
Result of Term 1 Examination Full mark: 100 and 10 bonus Highest: 100 Lowest: 29 Average: 63.3 Number of students between 40 - 49: 4 Number of students between 20 - 29: 1 Major Problems Don’t understand the question! Don’t try the questions!
Result of Term 1 Examination 10th place: CHOI Sung Lap, Jeffrey 9th place: LAM Pak Hei Hamish 8th place: CHAN Wa Pan, Ben 7th place: LI Kwok Hin Gordon 6th place: CHOI King Shing, Walker 5th place: LAI Cheuk Hei, Javis 4th place: FU Ling Yin 3rd place: WU SHAN Hao Yi 2nd place: LI Ming Chun, Edward 1st place: LI Sai Kong Congratulations!!!!!! Well done!!!!!!
Enjoy the world of Mathematics! Ronald HUI Enjoy the world of Mathematics!