Informal vs. Formal Learning: What's the Difference? CAREER MANAGEMENT OBJECTIVE 3.02 Christopher B. Smith Business, Finance, & Accounting Instructor Knightdale High School
INTRODUCTION It’s important to understand that there are many different opinions out there on formal vs. informal learning, and there’s certainly more than one approach for each. The training experience you choose should depend heavily on your needs, objectives and challenges. The difference between formal and informal training can be compared to riding on a bus vs. riding a bike: With the “formal” learning bus, the driver sets the course of travel and the passengers are simply along for the ride. When on the “informal” learning bike, the passenger rides alone, choosing the destination, speed and route as he or she sees fit.
VARIOUS FORMS OF LEARNING Formal learning – what happens in educational organizations, leading to formal qualifications Informal learning: what happens throughout life Non-formal learning: what happens in a formal situation but may not lead to formal qualifications
FORMAL LEARNING Courses and curricula mapped in a very structured way. Content is generally created by a specified group of instructional designers and trainers. Content and learning materials can be delivered via a traditional class room training model complete with lectures required reading scheduled testing regulated programs (including apprenticeships and traineeships),
FORMAL LEARNING Formal learning continues to be the main route to recognized qualifications, required for entry into jobs, especially regulated occupations.
INFORMAL LEARNING Provides a lot more flexibility in the way content is both created and consumed. Learning resources can be created quickly and easily Content can be developed by those who best understand the needs of the learners. Generally more convenient for the audience Learners can choose the information they care most about and access it as needed Informal learning acquired through experience in work and life is the most frequently used of all the learning forms.
INFORMAL LEARNING More easily shared and distributed via social channels like Facebook or Twitter, and more adaptable to mobile devices for “on-the-go” viewing A well-developed informal learning program can provide information to learners anytime, anywhere.
TYPES OF TRAINING ON-LINE LEARNING Advanced information and communication technologies (including internet, email and discussion forums, webinars) are increasingly being used (within and across industries) to provide workers with opportunities for e-learning and speedy access to large arrays of information resources and communication channels. Compliance training, especially in industries like financial services and air transport to help demonstrate that employees remain compliant with current legislation. E-learning (if it is to be successful) requires considerable amounts of learner commitment, trainer support, monitoring and feedback.
MENTORING AND COACHING TYPES OF TRAINING MENTORING AND COACHING Voluntary (and sometimes mandatory) coaching and mentoring programs. individuals (including executives, regular employees, and individuals and students from disadvantaged backgrounds) are paired up with more experienced and expert colleagues, supervisors or external consultants. Require the development of trust, confidentiality and respect between the partners, adequate time for discussion, and mentors or coaches with relevant expertise.
TYPES OF TRAINING ON-THE-JOB TRAINING Employees learn through: On-the-job-training (OJT) is simply the training that an employee receives at work during the normal work day To teach a single skill or task Multiple programs Used to help teach tasks within a work process Used in conjunction with other types of training procedures Employees learn through: Practice Feedback Guidance
INTERNSHIPS TYPES OF TRAINING A paid or unpaid job opportunity that offers you experience in your business field of interest. Purpose of an internship is to provide you with a learning experience while you are in college to help you make more informed decisions about your future career. Internships are Professional opportunities.
TYPES OF TRAINING APPRENTICESHIP An Apprenticeship is a paid job with training, leading to a package of qualifications which relate to the job. It allows you to be in full-time work as well as continuing your education and gaining qualifications. You “earn as you learn”
An Apprenticeship helps you get ahead with..... Job Training New Skills Pay Experience Qualifications You will be an employed member of staff and will: Have a contract of employment – fixed term or permanent Be paid and get paid holidays Be trained and gain qualifications Earn more as you become more experienced, skilled and knowledgeable Work alongside experienced and skilled people
Which Is Right for You? Learning Style Multiple Intelligence Personality Type
Conclusion Apart from adopting mandated learning combinations especially required for regulated programs (including apprenticeships and traineeships), businesses and individuals will make their own decisions about learning. Businesses will make them according to their business needs, while individuals will do so according to their particular work or life stages, their willingness to commit to learning, and formal requirements (by their managers) to undertake training.
Conclusion Employers are mostly interested in the results of learning rather than the form of learning. Employers want essential technical skills and knowledge required for jobs and for compliance with legislative requirements. Employers want employees who have keen problem-solving skills, who understand the value of team work and who possess excellent communication skills
Conclusion Workers with higher levels of education and training continue to access greater amounts of learning (formal and non-formal) than others. Companies who are serious about extending the source of skills, invest in the learning of those with lower levels of education and training. Accelerated apprenticeship training which often relies on recognition of prior learning and self- paced gap training may be problematic for individuals who do not have the required literacy and numeracy skills for independent study.
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