Nicknamed ‘little frog’ Potential before 1560 Catholic English Nicknamed ‘little frog’ Get students to write down which suitors match the word on the board on a whiteboard. Put on as a recap of last lesson if you did not get to this in the previous lesson. Elizabeth accepted hand in marriage KNOW Elizabeth’s potential husbands ANALYSE The strengths and weaknesses of each suitor EVALUATE Whether Elizabeth was right not to marry
FLIP LEARNING TASK: Revision Grid Henry VII and Henry VIII Edward and Mary Elizabeth (Govt., Religion, Soc. And Eco) The following tasks are due on the last day of term:
Elizabeth I: Mary Queen of Scots KNOW Key chronology of MQoS’s life ANALYSE The threats Elizabeth faced in the years 1567-1587 EVALUATE How far MQoS was a threat to Elizabeth How did relations with foreign powers change and how was the succession secured?
Mary Queen of Scots On a whiteboard (in pairs), brainstorm everything you know about Mary Queen of Scots. How would you describe Mary Queen of Scot’s life in this period? How might you describe English foreign policy in this period. KNOW Key chronology of MQoS’s life ANALYSE The threats Elizabeth faced in the years 1567-1587 EVALUATE How far MQoS was a threat to Elizabeth
Mary Queen of Scots 1568: MQoS Arrival in England 1570: Excommunication p.87 1571: Ridolfi p.120 1583: Throckmorton p.121 1585: Parry p.121 1586: Babington p.122 1587: MQoS Execution p.123 For each event, write in one colour how the event is a threat to Elizabeth. In another colour, write down how the event is not a threat to Elizabeth. Get students to take pictures of the pages for homework (see last slide) KNOW Key chronology of MQoS’s life ANALYSE The threats Elizabeth faced in the years 1567-1587 EVALUATE How far MQoS was a threat to Elizabeth
1570: Excommunication Threat to Elizabeth Not a threat to Elizabeth This absolved Elizabeth’s catholic subjects from obedience to her The excommunication did induce a significant element on fear into the minds of Elizabeth and her Privy Council (Act against Bringing in and Executing Papal Bulls and Treason Act) John Guy: created a logic whereby Protestants were loyalists and Catholics were traitors Pope Pius V failed to gain support from Phillip II There were no arrangements for the bull to be published in England KNOW Key chronology of MQoS’s life ANALYSE The threats Elizabeth faced in the years 1567-1587 EVALUATE How far MQoS was a threat to Elizabeth
1571: Ridolfi Plot Threat to Elizabeth Not a threat to Elizabeth Plan was to secure the landing of Spanish troops in Essex (foreign support). Plan was to replace Elizabeth with Mary Queen of Scots Elizabeth agreed to execute Norfolk (there is a link here to government, with Burghley using MP’s to pressure Elizabeth!) One of Ridolfi’s messengers was apprehended at Dover and cracked under torture. The plot relied on the support of Phillip and the Duke of Alba. Neither seemed enthusiastic about putting MQoS on the throne. Ridolfi might have been a double agent working for Burghley. MQoS denied involvement in the plot KNOW Key chronology of MQoS’s life ANALYSE The threats Elizabeth faced in the years 1567-1587 EVALUATE How far MQoS was a threat to Elizabeth
1583: Throckmorton Plot Threat to Elizabeth Not a threat to Elizabeth Timing: Catholic missions to England on the rise and the international position of Protestantism was become more precarious (Spanish reconquer the Netherlands). Plan: Spanish landing in Sussex was plausible (Bossy ‘fairly near thing) Outcomes: one execution, Mendoza (Spanish ambassador) expelled and Arundel is permanently imprisoned in the tower. Bossy: the threat seriously threatened Elizabeth’s regime (Bond of Association; undermined Anglo-Spanish relations; MQoS moved to a more secure quarters). The plan for the Spanish to land in Lancashire was a fantasy Sir Francis Walsingham had a mole in the French embassy, from whose information he was able to target Throckmorton. Throckmorton confessed under pressure and was executed. KNOW Key chronology of MQoS’s life ANALYSE The threats Elizabeth faced in the years 1567-1587 EVALUATE How far MQoS was a threat to Elizabeth
1585: Parry Plot Threat to Elizabeth Not a threat to Elizabeth MP Parry confessed to plotting to assassinate Elizabeth and replace her with MQoS. Parry might have been converted to militant Catholicism, and recruited as a double agent to assassinate the Queen. Fuelled anti-Catholic paranoia of Burghley and other members of the Privy Council Parry was employed by Burghley as a spy – was it that Burghley and Walsingham wanted rid of him? Allowed Burghley and his business managers in Parliament to ensure Parliamentary proceedings on the bill for the Queen’s safety were accelerated. KNOW Key chronology of MQoS’s life ANALYSE The threats Elizabeth faced in the years 1567-1587 EVALUATE How far MQoS was a threat to Elizabeth
1586: Babington Plot Threat to Elizabeth Not a threat to Elizabeth Timing: England interventions with the Netherlands had increased the prospect of war with Spain. Mendoza: plan to invade England, promote a Catholic uprising and assassinate the Queen (MQoS to replace her). Mary consented to Elizabeth’s assassination. Walsingham was intercepting letters between Mary and Babington. Walsingham’s double agent Gifford persuaded Babington to continue. KNOW Key chronology of MQoS’s life ANALYSE The threats Elizabeth faced in the years 1567-1587 EVALUATE How far MQoS was a threat to Elizabeth
1587: Execution of Mary Queen of Scots Elizabeth no longer had any need to MQoS to be alive (bought of James VI with a pension at the Treaty of Berwick) But she was reluctant to execute an anointed Monarch It was decided that Mary should face a trial at Fotheringay Castle Mary was tried by a commission of at least 24 Privy Councillors and nobles Mary initially refused to cooperate, saying they had no jurisdiction over an anointed monarch Several days later Mary gave in, knowing it would damage reputation The commission decided MQoS was guilty, but Elizabeth took 4 months to decide 4th December the death sentence was announced formally, but Elizabeth refused to sign the warrant until February 1st. Elizabeth gives contradictory order on whether to seal the warrant, so the Privy Council despatch the warrant with the intention of telling Elizabeth after her execution… 8th February Mary was executed… – 1.26 (end where Mary’s life is called ‘pathetic’…) KNOW Key chronology of MQoS’s life ANALYSE The threats Elizabeth faced in the years 1567-1587 EVALUATE How far MQoS was a threat to Elizabeth
What sort of threat did MQoS pose to Elizabeth? Critical Severe Substantial Moderate Low Colour in the thermometer, as far up as you think MQoS was a threat to Elizabeth Write a paragraph explaining your judgement. You must: Refer to events in detail! Demonstrate balance Cover the 20 years we have studied KNOW Key chronology of MQoS’s life ANALYSE The threats Elizabeth faced in the years 1567-1587 EVALUATE How far MQoS was a threat to Elizabeth
MQoS: The 6 key questions Key Individuals Power of the Monarchy -Explain why here- -Explain why here- Foreign Relations and Succession Government -Explain why here- -Explain why here- Society and Economy Religion Power of the Monarchy – decreases Elizabeth’s power as a monarch, providing an alternative, legitimate queen for Catholics Government – Duke of Norfolk, effectiveness of Elizabeth’s ministers (Walsingham); role of Burghley in Parliament Religion – MQoS being Catholic is why she becomes an alternative for Catholics who want to replace their Proestant Queen Society and Economy – Links to Northern Rebellion, impact on the Council of the North as a result Foreign Relation and Succession – Bigger issue for succession Key individuals – MQoS is a key individual who is in England for 19 years (question demands) -Explain why here- -Explain why here- KNOW Key chronology of MQoS’s life ANALYSE The threats Elizabeth faced in the years 1567-1587 EVALUATE How far MQoS was a threat to Elizabeth
FLIP LEARNING TASKS: The following tasks are due in next Tudor lesson: Take pictures of p.120-125 and make revision notes on the Catholic Plots (can be putting them into your revision grid) You have been given a essay to complete over half term. It will go towards your GB4 grade. The following tasks are due in next Tudor lesson: