IMPACT OF TECHNOLOGY ON PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT How have major technological innovations modified the physical environment? WG.19.A evaluate the significance of major technological innovations in the areas of transportation and energy that have been used to modify the physical environment READINESS STANDARD YSLETA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT SOCIAL STUDIES INSTRUCTIONAL TEAM
Which words are you familiar with, and which do you not yet know? Transportation Innovation Physical Environment Technology Modify Commerce Lifestyle Impact Energy
TRANSPORTATION and ENERGY TRANSPORTATION: Europe’s high speed railways travel at 186 mph between major cities. How did building it modify the environment? ENERGY: Holland’s turbo windmills harness natural wind energy to power communities. How did building it modify the environment? How did these innovations modify their environments? What can people do now that they couldn’t do before?
What difference do you see in the transportation technology What difference do you see in the transportation technology? What’s the difference in the energy it took to make?
How is this technological innovation good for humans?
How is this technological innovation bad for the environment?
How has this environment been modified?