Mind stretcher 3/24/16 (answer only is fine today) Answer: CRANE
CLASSIFICATION The process of grouping or ordering objects or events into categories based on properties or characteristics. Example: Place all leaves having a certain vein pattern into a one group. Use of a dichotomous key is helpful in identifying an object.
DICHOTOMOUS KEY - A series of paired statements to assist in the identification of an object. - It’s a listing of characteristics, such as structure and behavior, organized in such a way that an organism can be identified or classified. - It’s kind of like a scavenger hunt… Example of dichotomous key Interactive dichotomous key
Let’s try one… Identify these fish: 1a- 2a- 3a- 3b- Arrow goby Chameleon goby Bay goby Yellowfin goby
Choose 10 out of the 20 creatures and identify them on your sheet. ARC M-shaped
AC Directions Friday Finish reading Ch. 9-2…and work on Directed reading 9-2 if needed Complete standardized test practice for Ch. 9 using PENCIL (no book or notes) You may only use your book the LAST 10 MINUTES of class to help with #1-35