Certification Test Tool Jon Wheeler Test Lead Microsoft Corporation
Assumptions Familiar with UPnP v1 architecture and terminology Interested in evaluating a devices compliance against the UPnP standard Pursuing the UPnP Logo
Overview Certification Test Tool purpose What is tested Test capabilities Using the tool and interpreting results Future versions Tool is posted on
Purpose of Cert Tool Drive the certification of UPnP devices Execute device independent syntax tests against the UPnP v1 standard Support device dependent syntax and semantic testing
Certification Tests Govind Ramanathan Software Development Engineer Microsoft Corporation
What is Tested Device independent protocol tests Device specific syntax tests Device specific semantic tests
Protocol Tests Validates SSDP and HTTP packets and their sequence Tests the following stages: Addressing, Discovery, Description, and Eventing Protocol tests are executed regardless of device type
Syntax Tests Test actions can be specified for services that are specific to the device undergoing test Syntax tests are created by editing the.SyntaxTests.XML file Tests are run during the Control and Eventing test stages Actions are invoked in the order in which they appear in the XML file
Semantic Tests Verifies specified output parameters, error conditions or events Create semantic tests by editing the.SemanticTests.XML file Actions must be within the same service Results of one action cannot be used as input parameters in another action
What is Not Tested Does not test performance specifications Does not certify device extensions external to the UPnP standard
Test Environment Test tool requires Windows XP Run only one UPnP device and a single instance of the test tool on an isolated network Turn off LAN connection settings (i.e. proxy settings) in Internet Options control panel on Windows XP
Test Environment Diagram UPnPCert Tool running on Windows XP Device under test Isolatednetwork DHCP server for AutoIP and DHCP tests Sniffer for debugging (optional)
Configuring XML Files Tool relies on XML configuration files.xml Gives the Services that this device implements and the embedded devices. Gives the Services that this device implements and the embedded devices..xml Gives the Actions and State Variables implemented. Gives the Actions and State Variables implemented..SyntaxTests.xml Gives the Action names and the In arguments for each Action. Gives the Action names and the In arguments for each Action..SemanticTests.xml Gives the Action names, In arguments and the expected out arguments or error code. Gives the Action names, In arguments and the expected out arguments or error code.
Using XML Config Files Working Committees write the XML config files Standardized config files are distributed with the tool From the XML files the tool verifies if Devices have all required service. Services implement required Actions and State Variables. Responds correctly for each Action invocation. Proprietary devices can be tested but require the respective XML config files
Device Description urn:schemas-upnp- org:device:WANDevice:1 urn:schemas-upnp- org:device:LANDevice:1
Service Description EthernetLinkStatus string Up Down
Syntax Tests XML File 1 Valid Action And Valid InArgs GetEthernetLinkStatus ACTION_AND_INARGS_ARE _VALID
Semantic Tests XML File Remove cable. Verify link light is off.
Launch the Application
Select Test Options
Step Mode / Run Until Failure Step Mode Pauses between each test Click the Next button to continue Useful when debugging a failure Run Until Failure Pauses the test execution at the first failure
Interpreting the Test Log Test Case Passed Test Case Failed to Run Failure Reason :Precondition Failure - Unable to Construct Device Discovery Message List. Reason : Unable to Acquire Root Device Description Url.Badly formed Notify Alive Packets Header Value. Reason : NT Header Value = SSDPBVT is Not Compliant to UDA V1.0
Tips and Future Versions Jon Wheeler Test Lead Microsoft Corporation
Helpful Hints Review the test log for failure details Use a network sniffer (e.g. MS NetMon) to monitor network activity Use Step Mode to help isolate an issue Read the Test Tool User doc which lists the test cases
More Tips A full certification pass takes about 25 minutes to complete For testing purposes, set the CACHE- CONTROL in the device to be less than 60 for SSDP alive notifications. In your final device implementation, set the CACHE-CONTROL value to be > 1800
Future Version Plans Support testing against the v1 security standard Secure logs to prevent tampering Include more extensive logging Expose interfaces for developing test scripts Support future UPnP standards (v2)
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