Ronald Reagan and the New right AP US History
The End of the Long Boom: Economic Struggles in the 1970s (CC 41 to 7:15) Stagflation – high unemployment and high inflation (rising prices) Why inflation? – massive government spending on the Vietnam War and the Great Society; oil costs Globalization – world competition Decline of American manufacturing Auto, Steel – “The Rust Belt” Declining power of industrial unions Trade Deficit Why? – wages, regulations, foreign competition Energy Crisis – rising fuel prices Why? – 1973 Yom Kippur War (Israel) causes OPEC embargo Increases demand for smaller, fuel efficient Japanese cars
The Ford/Carter Interlude (74-81) Nixon Pardon Draft Amnesty Economic Troubles Carter: “The Outsider” Rejecting Détente: SALT II, USSR Invades Afghanistan Middle East: Camp David Accords, Iranian Hostage Crisis (2) Malaise Speech
Origins of the New Right Reaction against the New Deal and the Great Society welfare state Reaction against the social changes of the 1960s and 1970s Reaction against America’s changing economic status Reaction against America’s changing diplomatic role in the world 1964 – Barry Goldwater (destroyed by LBJ) 1968 – Richard Nixon? (ends prematurely with Watergate) 1980 – Ronald Reagan
The New Right & The Resurgence of Conservativism Small government Demand Tax Cuts – “Taxpayer Revolution” Anti New Deal/Great Society Anti Welfare – “Welfare Queens” Pro Gun Pro Life Conservative Social Values (opposed feminism, gay rights, sexual permissiveness) Strong National Security Moral Majority – evangelical, conservative Christians
Election of 1980 Ronald Reagan Outsider “Morning Again in America” Appeal to “Reagan Democrats” Iran Economic Recession TV Persona & Media Skills Results (1980/84/88)
Reaganomics (CC #43 to 7:24) Tax Cuts Increased Interest Rates (Supply Side Economics/Trickle Down Economics) Increased Interest Rates De-Regulation Anti Union PATCO Strike Decline in Unionization Post Reagan HW Bush (R)/Bill Clinton (D) North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) - 1993
Impact of Reaganomics Ended stagflation of 1970s Economic growth Reduces unemployment after recession Growth in wealth of the richest Americans Increased poverty rates Massive deficits Grows the debt Continued growth of service jobs / decline in manufacturing jobs Expansion of welfare state? Social Security Expansion- 1983 Clinton (D) – welfare reform (limits) – 1990s “the era of big government is over” W. Bush (R) – Medicare Part D - 2003 Obama (D) – Affordable Care Act - 2010
Limitations on “Moral” Reform: Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992) Background: Pennsylvania amended its abortion laws to require a 24 hour waiting period, spousal notification, and parental consent for minors. Legal Question(s): Were the new standards for abortion in PA constitutional? Legal Decision: Yes, No, Yes (5-4) Impact: Upholds Roe, but allows states to place more restrictions on abortion.
Discussion Questions What were 2 causes and 2 results of the rise of the New Right? What is synthesis for the rise of the New Right? Do you think Reaganomics was/is effective?
Reagan and the Cold War (CC #43 9:45 to end) Reagan Cold Warrior: (HAPP Doc) military buildup (missile gap, SDI, doubles defense spending) Central America (Nicaragua, Grenada) Iran Contra Affair “Tear Down This Wall” Reagan and Gorbachev new Soviet policy (perestroika/glasnost) summit meetings & arms reductions (START) George HW Bush and the End of the Cold War Eastern European revolutions Fall of the Wall, Germany reunites Collapse of the Soviet Union
The End of the Cold War Who deserves the credit for ending the Cold War? Was the Cold War a worthwhile struggle for America? Skills: What is synthesis for a Cold War/containment essay? Identify era and specific example/comparison in Cold War Era
Camp David Accords (Egypt and Israel)
Iranian Hostage Crisis (Argo Intro)
Iranian Hostage Crisis
Rust Belt
US Trade Deficit
Ronald Reagan
Historical Tax Rates
Interest Rates
Stock Market 1970-1990
Increase in Share for Wealthy
Historical Deficits
Historical Debt
Welfare Payments
Mikhail Gorbachev Perestroika –restructuring of the Soviet economy allowing for some free market activity Glasnost – openness in Soviet politics
Eastern European Revolutions
Dissolution of USSR
Impact of START
Rise of Service Jobs
Decline in Unionization
Decline in Unionization
Trickle Down Economics