Mind’s On – 4 Squares Make a small square at the top of a new page. In each square write down how each group of people would be feeling after D-Day and as the Allies are battling with the Germans. Build each sentence as “____________ would be feeling __________ because ______________. Allied soldiers German soldiers Citizens in France, Belgium, Nertherlands Citizens in Berlin
The Liberation of Europe and VE Day
Liberation of Europe From D-Day to April 1945 pushed the Germans back to Berlin The final defence of Berlin included young boys and the elderly – The German army was defeated
Hitler commits suicide and orders his body burned afterwards – April 30, 1945 The Germans surrender a week later, and May 8 is declared VE Day – Victory in Europe
The World Celebrates! Parliament Hill, Ottawa May 8, 1945 Parliament, London, England Times Square, New York
Picture Response Below you will see a picture. Take a second and then share your emotional reaction
Below there is another picture Below there is another picture. Is this picture appropriate to show in an educational setting?
Liberating the Camps Originally, camps were occupied by prisoners to work for the German war effort The first camp was Dachau (1933) outside of Munich The Canadians liberated a camp called ‘Vught’ in the Netherlands
The War Crimes Trials Starting with the Nuremberg Trials, Nazi officials were tried for their actions of the 1930s/40s Many Nazis committed suicide or fled Europe in hopes of escaping trial Others were jailed for life or were executed
Wrap Up: The Ethical Dimension - Paragraph Review the article “Canada a Haven for Nazi Criminals as a class. Write a paragraph in your notes answering the following: Should Canada prosecute (arrest/sentence) Nazi war criminals? Support your answer with evidence/ideas. (We’ll plan as a class)
Yes No