Integrated Plant Health Information System 2/24/2019 United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Plant Protection and Quarantine Integrated Plant Health Information System
Agenda What is changing this coming year? When is it changing? 2/24/2019 Agenda What is changing this coming year? When is it changing? How will we make it work? What does it mean to me? What does it look like?
What is Changing This Coming year? 2/24/2019 What is Changing This Coming year? ISIS will be closed ISIS IPHIS will be used for all PPQ pest programs IPHIS NAPIS will migrated away from in 2012 NAPIS ISIS will be closed. IPHIS will be used for all PPQ Pest Programs. PPQ is requiring that all data for PPQ pest programs be entered into IPHIS in 2011. Not changing this year but should be noted: In 2012 PPQ will require that all data for CAPS be entered into IPHIS.
When is it Changing? November Data Standards Data Collection Templates 2/24/2019 When is it Changing? November Data Standards Data Collection Templates December IPHIS 3.0 Data Migration Begin January ISIS Read Only IPHIS 3.0 PDA Excel Templates Available November National and Regional Program Managers are working together in engaging the field and standardizing what data is required for each program. These data standards will be put into data collection templates that will be used in IPHIS. December IPHIS 3.0 will be released. This release takes into consideration the feedback we received from States who used IPHIS in 2010. The ISIS team will support the migration of data from ISIS to IPHIS to prepare those States (both PPQ and State) for using IPHIS. Location/Site data will be looked at from a national perspective and migrated into IPHIS. Survey data will be supported by the ISIS team in collaboration with the local office responsible for managing the data. January On January 1, 2011 ISIS will be turned to read only. Only those States that have permission from the regional office will still be permitted to use ISIS to enter data in the 2011 survey season. These states will still need to meet the migration deadlines on July, 2011. In January, the IPHIS 3.0 Mobile Device update will be released. To support those states who start survey work prior to when training can be provided – Excel templates for each program will be made available. States will need to use these templates in order to easily upload their data into IPHIS at the time in which they are trained.
When is it Changing? (cont) 2/24/2019 When is it Changing? (cont) March IPHIS Training July ISIS Closed Future Local Training IPHIS for CAPS March IPHIS training will be provided. The training will be a train-the-trainer. Each participant will go through a certification process and be certified as an IPHIS trainer. SPHDs and SPROs should work collectively to identify those individuals who are best suited to provide training. Take into consideration any additional training at the state level that will need to be provided to support the use of IPHIS for CAPS starting in 2012. July ISIS will be closed on July 30, 2011. All important data will need to be migrated prior to this date. Work with the ISIS team to make this happen. Future It will be up to the local, certified trainer to provide any additional training that is needed to fully implement IPHIS into the local office and programs. Take into consideration any additional training needs to begin use IPHIS for CAPS in 2012 as well as the appropriate timing to deliver this training in preparation for the 2012 survey season.
How will we Make it Work? Support Help Desk Data Managers ISIS Team 2/24/2019 How will we Make it Work? Support Help Desk Data Managers ISIS Team RPM & NPM Leadership Help Desk – Technical problems and issues. A method for standardizing feedback from users – what they think the system should do – track enhancement requests. Data Managers – Help migrate data, develop reports, consult with users on how to most appropriately use the system. ISIS Team – Will help migrate date from ISIS to IPHIS. RPM and NPC – Have worked collectively to identify what data their program needs and how data will be used in reports. Can help identify to the field why and what data is needed. Leadership – Are supportive and will do what is needed to make the system work.
Support for PPQ and States 2/24/2019 What does it mean to me? Support for PPQ and States Deadlines Training General We acknowledge that there are currently State users of ISIS and that the close out of ISIS this year will impact them. We have included them in our migration strategy and their transition away from ISIS and training for IPHIS will be supported no differently than PPQs is. The earlier you begin using the system – the better. We will support our State partners no differently than our internal employees. Support includes help desk, data management (use and data migration), ISIS team, provided templates, training. System Migration ISIS will be closed out in 2011. PPQ will request data be entered into IPHIS for all PPQ programs (with the exception of CAPS and ALB) in 2011. If your data collection starts before you can locally implement IPHIS then use the provided templates. If not, hold off and begin your season using IPHIS. PPQ will transition away from requiring data entry into NAPIS in 2012. PPQ will require that data be entered into IPHIS for CAPS in 2012. Training A Train-the-Trainer course will be conducted March 2011. This course is open to PPQ and State partners if they are doing survey work as part of a PPQ sponsored program other than CAPS. States can work with the local SPHD office to decide if sending one person (PPQ or State) to the training will suffice or if they should send one from each office (PPQ and State). Begin planning to use IPHIS in 2012. Schedule local training using those trained this year to support your use in 2012. Plan at a local level. SPHDs and SPROs should think about 2011 and 2012 and send the necessary people to training.
2/24/2019 What does it look like? Demonstration
Thank You! Todd E. Schroeder Todd.E.Schroeder@APHIS.USDA.GOV (301) 734-5700