World Civilizations The Global Experience Prologue & Unit 1 - From Hunting and Gathering to Civilizations, 2.5 million – 1000 B.C.E. : Origins
Prologue The Emergence of World History What Civilization Means The evolution of leading societies. The interaction among different peoples around the globe. What Civilization Means Surpluses, specialization. Literature, scientific discoveries, art, music, architecture, social/political constructions, …but also, environmental degradation and other negatives.
Unit 1 - From Hunting and Gathering to Civilizations, 2 Unit 1 - From Hunting and Gathering to Civilizations, 2.5 million – 1000 B.C.E. : Origins Hunting & Gathering … Nomadic lifestyle Agriculture … 5 important settlements / rivers The Spread of Agriculture Early Centers of Civilization Big Concepts Triggers for Change The Big Changes Continuity Impact on Daily Life: Children