Smarthinking at KSU 24 hours 7 days per week Online Tutoring
Where do I access to Smarthinking at KSU?
Where do I access to Smarthinking at KSU?
How do I REGISTER to get the access to Smarthinking? The link is located on the ACSA website which will then route students directly to the registration on OwlLife. Complete a short form on OwlLife. ACSA professional staff approve and ensure that you are a KSU student and then give permissions for access to the online Smarthinking site link found in the students’ D2L.
After the request for access (which is typically granted within 24 hours) the link will appear in each students’ personal D2L page:
Access online tutoring here ACCESS to SMARTHINKING Name: Online Academic Tutoring Service
You can then choose: 1. Subject 2 You can then choose: 1. Subject 2. How you prefer to access support via Drop-In or Scheduled Appointment