Bi-Weekly Meeting 2004/09/08 Susumu Oda


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Presentation transcript:

Bi-Weekly Meeting 2004/09/08 Susumu Oda Analysis Procedure Detection Efficiency Spatial Resolution Contents of Master Thesis 1/9

Analysis Procedure 1-a. Pedestal and Hit Hit threshold is 4ch. Red 2ch, Green 3ch Blue 4ch, Yellow 5ch Average of ADC is used as run by run pedestal. 2/9

1-b. Signal Fitting 3/9

1-c. Position Determination 4/9

2. Detection Efficiency ~99.5% ~94% 5/9

3. Spatial Resolution 3-a. Drift Length Dependence 6/9 Red : P10 chevron Blue : P10 rectangle Yellow : ArC2H6 rectangle Green : CF4 chevron 6/9

3-b. Beam Rate Dependence Red : P10 chevron Blue : P10 rectangle 7/9

3-c. Incident Angle Dependence Red : P10 chevron Blue : P10 rectangle 8/9

4. Contents of Master Thesis Introduction Heavy Ion Collision Experiments Requirements of a Central Tracker in a Heavy Ion Collision Experiment Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) Overview of This Thesis GEM-TPC Prototype Merits of GEM-TPC Mechanical Structure Operation of GEM and Field Cage Front End Electronics Gas (Gain, Drift Velocity and Diffusion) Experiment Purpose Setup Run List Analysis Particle Identification Capability Tracking Capability Event Reconstruction of the TPC Efficiency Spatial Resolution Energy Resolution Multi-Track Resolution Beam Rate Dependence Conclusion 9/9