QTL at RGD Minimum data Peak marker – both flanking markers preferred Measurable trait, phenotype LOD score and/or p-value Assay/method of measurement Strains and crosses information Nomenclature Use author’s nomenclature where possible – encourage prepublication submission Standardize and number to existing traits Avoid gene symbols Don’t use disease terms Separate QTLs Different crosses and strains Narrowing of QTL region - congenics Each experiment is new QTL – congenic strain developed to confirm previous QTL Similar study in 2 labs Same study with 2 different genetic locations More than one trait to location but not shown to be correlated
Issues with Current Traits Aren’t intuitive or don’t follow logical pattern or hierarchy Sometimes include method of measurement Sometimes include qualifiers Arbitrary categories with overlap
QTL Issues and New Directions at RGD Lack of consistent standards for QTL identification and inclusion Currently use LOD of 2.8 for QTL Use lower load for “suggestive” QTL, depends on submission by author or discussion in paper Mapping issues QTLs with only peak marker SSLPs which aren’t mapped to current assembly SSLPs which will lose/have lost mapping status with subsequent assemblies Traits Logical Hierarchical Can be used cross-species Relate well to human clinical measurements