Chapter 4, Section 3 Physical Science: Atomic Models Modern Atomic Theory Dalton proposed atomic “_____________.” J.J. Thomson found _________inside atoms. Rutherford found ______________inside the nucleus of atoms. Chadwick found ____________in the nucleus. WHERE WERE THE ELECTRONS EXACTLY?
Physical Science: Atomic Models The Bohr Model ______________proposed an atomic model in 1913, trying to show exactly where the _________ were.
Physical Science: Atomic Models The Bohr Model Neils Bohr proposed that __________can _____around the ______ __________at specific ___________, which he called “_________”or “___________”.
Physical Science: Atomic Models The Bohr Model In simple terms, Neils Bohr’s model said that __________ orbit the _________ like ___________orbit around the _______. Therfore, it is often called the “___________” Model.
Physical Science: Atomic Models Bohr based his model on his work in ___________________ (observing colors of _______ from atoms)
Physical Science: Atomic Models Bohr had noticed that when pure gases were _____________, they only gave off __________ frequencies (colors) of _____. This is called an _________________.
Physical Science: Atomic Models Bohr’s theory was that: Electrons must ________around the nucleus, but only at ________distances from the __________.
Physical Science: Atomic Models Bohr’s Model: Electrons can ___________additional ____________and move outward into “_________” energy level orbits.
Physical Science: Atomic Models Electrons can _____energy and “_____ _______” giving off __________as EM Radiations (_________).
Physical Science: Atomic Models The Bohr Model Different ________ from the nucleus give different ____________of _____________.
The Quantum Model- The Electron Cloud _________________- A ____________area where electrons should exist around the nucleus. This is _____a nice and neat set of ________paths. ___________of exact location of electrons but we can graphically represent where most of the electrons _______“be.”
Quantum Mechanical Model An _______is the region of space where there is a high _________of finding an electron in an atom. In the _________mechanical atom, _________are arranged according to their _______and _______. The ______the energy of an orbital, the ________ its size. s-orbitals have a __________ shape
Shapes of p-Orbitals Recall that there are _______different p sublevels. p-orbitals have a _________________shape. Each of the p-orbitals has the ________shape, but each is oriented along a __________axis in space.
Shapes of d Orbitals Recall that there are ___________different d sublevels. Four of the d orbitals have a ____________ shape and one has a _________and ______ shape.
Shapes of F- orbitals The ______F orbitals are more __________.
Progression of Models- Summary Electron Cloud (or Quantum) Model Chapter 5