Using Video in the Classroom
Video is now Essential! Using video in the classroom is now not an extra or time killer! Today’s students are visual learners. The new digital learner needs rich, multi modal content for learning. Here are some tips when using video in your lessons.
# 1 Keep it Short!
# 1 Keep it Short! Yes – no more than 3-5 minute segments. Then, do an activity to compliment the input. Putting a video on for long periods of time is not learning and not “mind-full-ness”. Video should be the “punch” not the whole party!
# 2 Turn off the sound!
# 2 Turn off the sound! Video is as much a “prompt” as an “input”. Turn off the sound and get students to describe the actions. This is a great way to foster language production and practicing either the past or present continuous tenses.
# 3 Add Subtitles!
# 3 Add Subtitles! Make it a “rich” learning experience, support the listening with text to help with reading skills and comprehension. Kill two skills with one subtitle! Subtitles should be in English! L1 subtitles offer little in support of language acquisition.
# 4 Make it available!
# 4 Make it available! Give students access to the video. Put it up on line so after class they can review or continue viewing. Support your student’s efforts in self-learning. Further, use to download the video to your computer desktop and offline sharing.
# 5 Make your own!
# 5 Make your own! Students today have great skills with technology. Use this as a “hook” to get them learning English. As they make a video, they are learning a lot of English. If you have the time, try Project Based learning. Video editing and production skills are important soft skills you can help your students acquire.
# 6 Always Preview!
# 6 Always Preview! Never show a video unless you’ve watched it ALL yourself. Or be prepared for some unpleasant surprises…… Be careful in choosing the right video content for your lessons. It is not only what the students will enjoy that is important but ALSO, what will help them learn.
Types of Videos; Music News Animations Movies Commercials Home videos How to…… Screencasts Content based TV Shows Stories / People Instructional Interviews Educational
Possible Ways to Use? Prediction Retelling Inspiring Tasking Description Engaging Role playing Rewriting Modeling Mood setting Extension Quizzing