Causes of the war The war between Britain and France was raging on. The British continued the impressment of American sailors
Causes of the war The British were also interrupting American trade with Europe (particularly France) Impressment and blockades contributed to this.
Causes of the war The British were also supporting Native-American resistance in the western territories
What’s a president to do? The 4th president, James Madison, was also trying to keep us out of the war. He could no longer avoid the anger of the American public
War Declared! The British announced that they would stop ruining American trade in order to avoid war. Too bad the message was slow to arrive.
The War Too busy to deal with the puny Americans, Britain concentrated on France for the first two years. Once Britain defeated Napoleon, all bets were off!
The War The British successfully blockade the Atlantic Coast in 1813.
The War The British capture and burn Washington DC in 1814
The War The war ends with the Treaty of Ghent in 1814
Two weeks later. . . The British invade New Orleans.
A hero emerges. . . General Andrew Jackson successfully defends New Orleans from British invasion, becoming a national hero
Results of the War 1. Increased American pride (b/c we didn’t get absolutely annihilated)
Results of the War 2. Increased American manufacturing (British blockade had cut us off from Europe)
Results of the War 3. Reduced Native-American resistance
The American System Riding the wave of American pride, a plan to America moved towards economic independence was concieved. 1. Increase tariffs to promote manufacturing 2. 2nd bank of US (to make a single currency) 3. Improve transportation.
The Erie Canal A canal (man-made waterway) was built between Lake Erie and Hudson River