Developing guidance with Member State-regulators to implement bioavailability-based environmentally quality standards for metals. Graham Merrington WG Chemicals October
What is this? guid·ance, noun “the act or function of guiding; leadership; direction” Final practical links between regulatory practice and the science Need for consistent implementation of bioavailability- based approaches across MS, Industry, Stakeholders. Steering group of MS Regulators, Corresponding Members to include stakeholders wca’s time paid for by IZA, ECI, NiPERA and ILA WG Chemicals October
How will this work? Member States: Develop scope Identify key challenges Steer the guidance (Editorial Control) Provide examples of good practice, experiences Ensure ‘regulatory fit’ Industry/Stakeholders other Member States Corresponding members – comment of drafts, provide examples/challenges concerns Facilitate use of full-BLMs wca Facilitate discussions, draft the guidance as directed, for comment. WG Chemicals October
Draft Table Of Contents to include Introduction Tiered approach for using bioavailability (under the WFD) (accounting for total and added risk) Available bioavailability tools Summary of minimum validation requirements and performance specifications for tools Obtaining the data required for bioavailability calculations Undertaking calculations Interpreting results Dealing with bioavailability estimates outside of model ranges What are validated ranges and what do they mean? What are the options for when the water under investigation falls outside the boundary conditions of the model Compliance / Classification/ Permitting? Exceedance and failure (what is a failure?) WG Chemicals October
In addition FAQs Glossary and definitions Annexes of examples Comparison exercise of all models in relation to Full- BLMs Possible now boundary validations completed EQS finalised WG Chemicals October