15 Day Letter Ballot #58 Final Results Month 2002 doc.: IEEE 802.11-02/xxxr0 15 Day Letter Ballot #58 Final Results 802.11 Working Group Letter Ballot 58 for approval of the following motion Moved to suspend the rules in section 2.3.5 of the 802.11 Working Group Operating Rules ("the Policies & Procedures") for the purpose of allowing the creation of a Treasury and any necessary bank accounts to enable the scheduling and conduct of 802.11 interim sessions and the payment of any obligations arising there from, until such time as section 2.3.5 is amended to incorporate such operations in the policies and procedures. Ballot Open June 12, 2003 Ballot Closed Saturday, June 28, 2003. Stuart Kerry, Chair, IEEE 802.11 John Doe, His Company
15 Day Letter Ballot #58 Final Results Month 2002 doc.: IEEE 802.11-02/xxxr0 15 Day Letter Ballot #58 Final Results Ballot Pool of Voting Members 396 Number of Returned Ballots 263 Percentage of Returned Ballots 66% Number of votes approving the motion 248 Percentage of Votes Approving Motion 97% Number of votes disapproving 7 Percentage of Votes Disapproving Motion 2.7% Number of Abstentions 8 Percentage of Abstentions 3% Stuart Kerry, Chair, IEEE 802.11 John Doe, His Company
Month 2002 doc.: IEEE 802.11-02/xxxr0 Stuart Kerry, Chair, IEEE 802.11 John Doe, His Company