Warm Up 11/1 Aubade Pastoral Ballad Sestina Villanelle Ode Elegy Create groups of THREE, and then claim a poetic form. GO! Aubade Pastoral Ballad Sestina Villanelle Ode Elegy Dramatic Monologue Sonnet
Learning Targets To review the poetry presentation project. To continue tasks toward the poetry project.
Poetic Form Group Project REQUIREMENTS: A group oral presentation, based on your assigned poetic form, composed of the following: Thorough research efforts that are shared to the class in a complete, clear, and interesting manner. A visual, such as PowerPoint, to share your compiled data with the rest of the class. A recitation and analysis of a poem done by each of the students. Strong presentation skills An MLA Works Consulted sheet (due 1/31) for each group
To Do TODAY: Group meeting: establish who is doing what, and then get to work researching what you can. Select individual poems.