Welcome to Mrs. Satharla’s Class Can’t beat that Panther’s Pride!
The Mission Statement of Sumter County Intermediate School The mission of Sumter County Intermediate School is to challenge, nurture, and support students on their journey towards graduation.
Homeroom Procedures Enter the building through the rear doors All students must walk on the right side of the hallway at all times Check-into homeroom Sit in assigned seat Breakfast on the Go Go to lockers Restroom Break Have a seat, read silently and wait for morning announcements
Philosophy In partnership with parents, students, educators, and the community, Sumter County Intermediate School (SCIS) will strive to ensure academic success and meet the diverse needs of all students by providing a comprehensive, differentiated quality educational program. Innovative research-based instructional strategies will be utilized and to provide a safe, nurturing environment to ensure the success of all students. Our philosophy embraces quality instruction for all students that will result in increased academic performance, fewer classroom management problems, greater relevancy and application during the instructional process. SCIS will implement data driven strategies/interventions and monitors student achievement to provide continuous process of improvement that focuses on student performance.
Entering the Classroom Procedures Enter the classroom quietly Make sure to sit in your assigned seat Make sure you have basic supplies (paper and pencil) Sharpen your pencil Copy Homework and Agenda into your Planner Complete Sponge
OUR School Panther Paw Rules
Follow directions or requests the first time they are given. 7
Come to class prepared and ready to learn Come to class prepared and ready to learn. Bring all needed supplies to class. 8
Materials Needed One composition notebook color pencils or marker index cards highlighters black or blue ink pens only pencils, notebook (3 inch) with a section identified for this class Ruler and notebook paper.
Raise hand for permission to speak or leave your seat 10
Remain in your desk at all times unless instructed by your teacher Remain in your desk at all times unless instructed by your teacher. Please raise your hand and wait quietly for permission to speak or move in the classroom. 11
Stay on task and complete all assigned work 12
Keep hands, feet, and all inappropriate /unnecessary comments to yourself. (minor) 13
Consequences for not following the rules Verbal Warning Silent Lunch Detention(No talking, or OCI – and Parent Contact Parent Conference Office Referral 14
Grading Grades are based on the accumulative of all assignments per nine weeks. Grades are based on: Class participation (effort) Completion of assignments (daily work) Projects, quizzes, & tests -Homework Each student will be given a report card at the end of each nine-week grading period. Progress reports will be sent home every 4 ½ weeks. If a student is failing, parents are encouraged to call the school and set up a conference to discuss the child’s lack of satisfactory progress. Parents will be formally notified if their child is in danger of being retained at the end of the first semester and the end of the third nine weeks. Conferences will be scheduled. Our Grading Scale 90-100% = A 80-89% = B 70-79% = C 60% -below = F