My Book Report is on The Chimpanzees I Love: Saving Their World and Ours By Jane Goodall Book Report by Louisa Zaloom There was no illustrator. Source: Google Images
The book is about things Jane Goodall has learned from her research of chimpanzees. The book has so many amazing new discoveries listed. Five Things I Already Knew About this Subject: I knew that Jane Goodall studied chimpanzees. I knew that chimpanzees could use tools. I knew that chimpanzees are a lot like humans. I knew that chimpanzees could do sign language. I knew that chimpanzees are very smart creatures. Source: Google Images
Five New Things I Learned: I learned that we humans can swing on trees like chimpanzees because our shoulder joints bend the same way, but our fingers are not long or strong enough for going long distances. I learned that people used to think humans were the only creatures who had feelings. I learned that chimpanzee males perform charging displays to get higher rankings in power. I learned that some chimpanzee tribes have wars. I learned that some chimpanzees hunt. Source: Google Images
Six New Vocabulary Words I Learned: Carcass- The dead body of an animal Dominance- Power and influence over others Hierarchy- A system or organization in which people or groups are ranked one above the other Adolescent- In between a child and an adult Buttresses- Sources of defense or support Canopy- The upper layer or habitat zone formed by mature tree crowns Source: Google Images Google Images
Now I will make some sentences using my vocabulary words. The chimpanzees were eating a baby bushpig carcass. The alpha chimpanzee has dominance over the others. The chimpanzees are run by a system of hierarchy. When chimpanzees have wars they usually don’t kill adolescent females. The buttresses of the trees were very strong. There was a canopy in the treetops above the chimpanzees. Source: Google Images
Three Opinions in this Book: Jane Goodall’s opinion: We need to help chimpanzees. Her schoolteachers’ opinions: Only humans have feelings. People who hold chimpanzees captives’ opinions: These chimpanzees will help us.
Inference One: I inferred that Jane Goodall was probably very excited and happy when a chimpanzee named David Greybeard came to her camp because in the beginning it said, “From the moment I set foot on the eastern shores of Lake Tanganyika at Gombe, I felt at home. But I soon found that there was one major problem- the chimpanzees were afraid of me.” Now it says, “David Greybeard was the first Gombe chimpanzee to lose his fear of the strange white ape that had appeared in his territory- he became almost like a friend.” Source: Google Images
Inference Two: I inferred that Jane Goodall inspired people to name the animals they study, because the text said, “By this time I had learned to recognize some of the chimpanzees- and then I gave them names. It was not thought scientific, at that time, to give names to research subjects- I should have referred to them by numbers. But I had always named my animal friends and I saw no reason to treat the chimpanzees differently. Today, most field biologists name the animals they study.” Source: Google Images
Inference Three: I inferred that if the chimpanzees get really good at sign language they might be able to tell scientists about their lives. That would probably be really helpful to researchers because the text said, “How many times I have wished that I could look out onto the world through the eyes, with the mind, of a chimpanzee. One such minute would be worth a lifetime of research.” Source: Google Images
This is a link to a video of Jane Goodall with a rescued chimpanzee. Source: Google Images
Any Questions? Source: Google Images