Update on RBMP&FRMP adoption and reporting Assessment of RBMP&FRMP SCG meeting 17 May 2017 Thomas Petitguyot DG ENV, Clean Water Unit
Status of adoption of 2nd RBMPs in Member States Pending: AT, EL, ES (Canary islands), IE and LT GREEN - all second River Basin Management Plans adopted YELLOW - part of the second River Basin Management Plans adopted RED - second River Basin Management Plans not yet adopted Updated 16th May 2017
Status of reporting of 2nd RBMPs into WISE Pending: DE, DK, LU, MT, UK (Gibraltar) (+ those MS which haven't adopted their plans) + corrections: FR, IT Updated 16th May 2017
Status of adoption of 1st FRMPs in Member States Pending: EL, IE, LT and SI
Overall timeline for the assessment Common to 1st FRMPs and 2nd RBMPs MS reports: legal obligation = March 2016 EC Implementation report for WFD and FD: legal obligation = end 2018 initial intention = early 2018, as an early input to the evaluation process Delays in adoption and reporting of plans into WISE Deadline for consideration in EC report: 31 May 2017
Scope of the assessment Second RBMPs: country specific assessments assessment at EU level (overview) First FRMPs: International coordination in water resources and flood management: iRBD/iUoM specific assessments
Assessment of 2nd RBMPs Main guiding questions: Status of implementation of WFD requirements? Compliant implementation? Progress made since the 1st cycle? Follow-up of COMM's previous recommendations? + Identification of good practices Recommendations for the future steps
Staged approach to RBMPs assessment
Dashboards – reported information per topic on-line interactive viewer
Topics for RBMPs assessment Governance Characterisation of the RBD (delineation of water bodies, typology and pressure analysis) Monitoring, assessment and classification of ecological status in SWB Monitoring, assessment and classification of chemical status in SWB Monitoring, assessment and classification of quantitative status in GWB Monitoring, assessment and classification of chemical status in GWB
Topics for RBMPs assessment Designation of HMWB, definition of GEP Environmental objectives and exemptions Programme of measures – general & measures related to other significant pressures Measures related to abstractions and water scarcity Measures related to pollution from agriculture Measures related to pollution from sectors other than agriculture Measures related to hydromorphological alterations
Topics for RBMPs assessment Economic analysis and water pricing policies Considerations specific to protected areas (identification, monitoring, objectives and measures) Adaptation to drought and climate change
Stage I: Sense-checking & screening assessment Phase 1: Information in the dashboards All topics for all MS generic questionnaires Phase 2: Information in RBMPs and background documents Specific topics in a given MS topic-specific questionnaires Phase 3: First conclusions on compliance, progress since 1st cycle and follow-up of COM recommendations
Stage II: In-depth assessments Case-by-case basis, identified with the assessment on stage I Selection of topics, questions and RBD / MS
Assessment of 1st FRMPs Main guiding questions: Status of implementation of FD requirements? Compliant implementation? + Identification of good practices Identification of weaknesses Recommendations 8 key topics Based on WISE reporting, FRMPs, background documents (PFRAs, FHRMs…)
Assessment process - FRMPs topic-specific questionnaires Cf. "Concept Paper: Compliance checking of the Floods Directive Implementation – Checking and assessing Member States' Flood Risk Management Plans" [Jan. 2016]
Documents to be circulated in the coming days: Note on the methodology Link to on-line "dashboards" (RBMPs and FRMPs) Assessment questionnaires (RBMPs and FRMPs) For information To SCG members only
Thanks for your attention Previous reports available at: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/water/water-framework/impl_reports.htm and http://ec.europa.eu/environment/water/flood_risk/overview.htm