Division of Coloproctology
Division of Coloproctology Secretary Applications Mr. Janindra Warasuvitarne London, UK Treasurer Prof. Franc. Hetzer Uznach, Switzerland Head of the Division Prof Dieter Hahnloser Lausanne Switzerland Secretary Examination Dr. David Zimmerman Tilburg, Netherlands Past Head Prof. Klaus Matzel Erlangen, Germany
Passing rate 2017 : 85% EBSQ examination 2018 Munich, Germany 16 & 17 March 8/10 passed (80%) Nice, France 28 and 29 September 37 candidates Passing rate 2017 : 85%
Preparation course for examination 15 March, Munich, Germany An independant preparation course (not before an examination) is planned in 2019 and then annually in conjunction with prost-graduate courses of the ESCP (European Society of Coloproctology)
Problems with eligibility There are issues with the payment system which means candidates who have paid do not always be processed for eligibility in a speedy manner The eligibility screen is slow and can crash easily
Problems EBSQ examination Payment: Many candidates pay late for the actual examination. Suggestion: the full fee for the application process (part 1) and the actual examination (part 2) of total 700 EURO will have to be paid at the application. If candidate is not deemed elligible to sit the exam, the examination fee of 500 Euro will be reimbursed. PayPal: credit card charges apply. The division often does not reveice the full amount. Suggestion: make payment by wire transfer (e-banking) IBAN compulsary.
Finances Balance 31.12.2017 46‘870.- Euro Expenses Munich examination 2‘980.- Euro Balance 1.9.2018 76‘768.- Euro Money will be used to finance preparation course