Welcome to Back to School Night! Pre-Algebra Honors & Algebra I 2/24/2019
Requirements and Supplies It is very important to have all the proper supplies in class each day. Students should make every effort to bring the following items to class every day: Pencils All homework, tests, and quizzes should be done in pencil. 5-Subject Notebook/3-Ring Binder This is where your student will do all his/her notetaking and keep all required materials for this course. 2/24/2019
Grading Procedure Percent 25% 60% 15% 100% Activity Homework Quizzes/Tests Miscellaneous Total Percent 25% 60% 15% 100% *Note: Algebra students must score 75% or better in the Quizzes/Tests category to be eligible for Geometry next year. 2/24/2019
Mathematics is not a spectator sport. You learn by doing. Homework Mathematics is not a spectator sport. You learn by doing. Homework will be checked and graded daily. Assignments can be found on the board or weekly newsletter on my website: To get to my website, go to the Dublin Unified School District page at www.Dublinusd.org Click on the drop down box at the top and go to Fallon School. Click on Teacher Sites and then my name. Or go directly to http://dublinusd.org//Domain/306 Students are given time in class to complete part of their assignment. Assignments that are not completed then become homework. Homework is due the next day an must be completed in full. Students are given Late Passes at the beginning of each quarter except for 4th quarter. Homework should take no more than 45 minutes. 2/24/2019
Quizzes & Tests Quizzes and tests make up the majority of your child’s grade. Please refer to the grading policy for my grading procedure. Quizzes Quizzes are given throughout the chapter. They are not worth as much points as test. Tests Tests are given at the end of the chapter. This is where the bulk of their grade will go. 2/24/2019
Progress Reports/Infinite Campus Progress reports WILL NOT be sent home regularly. They can be viewed at any time on Infinite Campus. Infinite Campus is an online grading program that allows parents and students to track progress in my class via the internet. To get to Infinite Campus, go to the Dublin USD website (www.dublinusd.org) and click on “Parent Portal” in the top right hand corner. The login and password for Infinite Campus are as follows (unless the password has been changed): Login: Student ID # Password: Student Initials and 6-Digit birthday (example: ba101382) 2/24/2019
Bellwork Sheets Bellwork Sheets are given out at the beginning of each week. Students copy weekly assignments onto the sheet. Bellwork consists of 4-5 math problems given at the beginning of class. You can view the weekly assignments on the web. Most of your child’s grade for the miscellaneous category will be comprised of bellwork. 2/24/2019
Navigating My Webpage: Click here to go to your child’s class. You can find the assignment schedule for the week… … and the notes taken in class! 2/24/2019
Any time out of class is time lost. Expectations: Students need to come to class prepared with all of their materials. Students need to be in class and ready to learn when the bell rings. If a student is absent it is their responsibility to make up any missing assignments quickly, so they don’t get behind. Any time out of class is time lost. 2/24/2019
Contact Information Teachers, parents, and the students are a team that work together to make the year a successful one for the student. It is important to keep the lines of communication open. If you have any questions during the year please contact me by phone or by email. Email preferred. (925) 875-9376 ext. 6331 taycandice@dublinusd.org 2/24/2019