Developing the Blue/Green Economy
Global Maritime Economy is essential for Europe Up to 5 million jobs in the EU maritime economy € 550 bn GVA Traditional sectors (shipbuilding, fisheries) and innovative industries (biotech, seabed mining, renewables) Substantial innovation potential Growing need for resources, but limits to land-based solutions (food security, raw materials, energy, …) Success depends on healthy oceans
International context World Summit on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) Post-2015 Development Agenda Sustainable Development Goals Management of the oceans is a global responsibility Should be tackled now because of: increase in maritime activities increasing pressures on the oceans (climate change, pollution, …)
EU and Member States are at the forefront of ocean management Maritime Policy and Blue Growth agenda 2007-2012: Growth, innovation, funding Standard setting legislation and management policies: Marine Strategy Framework Directive Maritime Spatial Planning Directive Reformed Common Fisheries Policy Rules on Illegal, Unreported, Unregulated Fisheries Maritime Policies and coordination in Member States Efforts in RFMOs and RSCs (eg OSPAR and HELCOM)
Example: Marine Spatial Planning Issue: conflicts on access to maritime space because of increased use Cooperation and framework needed to ensure coherent and sustainable development Legal certainty needed for private sector Entered into force: September 2014, MSP in all marine waters of Member States by 2021
International framework needs to be strengthened International institutions have grown organically. There are overlaps and loopholes: more cooperation needed Eg: need for an integrated approach on ocean governance vs segmentation of instruments (RFMOs, RSCs) The development of new and emerging sectors requires better global arrangements to: ensure responsible development create a level playing field for EU companies protect the marine environment
Ocean-based economy adds $1,2 trn in economic value (McKinsey) 70 million jobs worldwide depend directly on healthy oceans Corporate Ocean Responsibility? What will be the role and responsibility of the private sector?
Example: Ocean energy "Blue Energy": Communication (20/01/2014) Creation of an Ocean Energy Forum, which is to deliver a strategic roadmap for the development of the sector (first draft: October 2015), tackling bottlenecks in three areas: technology finance environment/consenting Aim: finetune policies in order to support the development of the sector towards commercialisation Figure 1: Manufacturing capacity supporting the ocean energy sector (dark blue circles) across Europe.
Example: Seabed mining - The deep sea is largely unexplored, but indications of substantial mineral resources - EU Member States hold several exploration licences, EU companies have technology lead - It will happen, better that EU is engaged in shaping framework to ensure responsible approach
Marine Biotechnology Marine biological resources new products and services = new jobs Most important things: Keep supporting research Preserve habitats
Conclusion Ocean Governance: Commissioner Vella to plan a listening tour + lanch a public consultation (aim to launch during Blue Week - June) Oceans are interconnected systems: if we are to ensure sustainable use, we will have to find global solutions