Defination :- Structure is a collection of One or More variables grouped together.
Concept:- A structure is collection of one or more variables grouped together. The variables in structure are called variables. Members may have any type, includes array and structure. Whatever be the elements of a structure, they are always stored in continuous memory location.
Syntax of Structure :- Struct class { char name[20]; char lastname[20]; int rollno. ; };
Uses of Structure Changing size of cursor Clearing the contents of the screen Placing the cursor at an appropriate position on screen Drawing any graphics shape on the screen Receiving a key from keyboard Checking the memory size of computer Formatting a Floppy Sending output to printer Interacting with the mouse
Summary :- A structure is usually used when we wish to store dissimilar data together Structure elements can be accessed throught a structure variable using a dot(.) operator. It is possible to create an array of structures.