Place Value – On Your Marks Objective(s): Compare and order numbers up to 100,000. © Hamilton Trust Term 1 Week 1 Day 2
Place Value – Skill Drill five thousand, three hundred and thrty seven two thousand four hundred and one 1) Write 2,401 in words 6) Write 5,337 in words 7) Write ‘seventeen thousand, five hundred and fifteen’ in digits 2) Write ‘seven thousand, three hundred and ninety’ in digits 17,515 7,390 thirty one thousand and nine two thousand, and twenty seven 3) Write 2,027 in words 8) Write 31,009 in words 9) Write ‘ten thousand and five’ in digits 4) Write ‘eighty one thousand, two hundred and sixty’ in digits Do students need a reminder before you start? Revisit ideas from the previous lesson with the Place Value Chart image. [See PowerPoint Slide 11]. Are students struggling once they’ve begun? Can you quickly deal with a small number of students one-to-one within the time limit, while the remainder complete the task? Or do you need to revise ideas from the previous lesson for the majority? [Revisit the Place Value Chart on PowerPoint Slide 11]. When ready to begin, click the yellow box, or keyboard ↓or arrow to start the timer. Timer may be interrupted if all students finish, by clicking again. 10,005 81,260 10) Write 8,501 in words eight thousand, five hundred and one sixty one thousand, eight hundred and two 5) Write 61,802 in words Click HERE to start timer TIME’S UP! © Hamilton Trust Term 1 Week 1 Day 2
65,234 56,234 Place Value – On The Blocks… Which is the larger number ? Can you explain how you know? © Hamilton Trust Term 1 Week 1 Day 2
Place Value – On The Blocks… Click boxes below PV chart to reveal numbers. 65,234 56,234 © Hamilton Trust Term 1 Week 1 Day 2
Place Value – On The Blocks… Which is the larger number ? Explain how you know… 29,728 29,827 © Hamilton Trust Term 1 Week 1 Day 2
Place Value – On The Blocks… 80,001 18,999 79,999 Write these numbers in order, smallest to largest, on your whiteboard. You will need mini-whiteboards. Click empty box to reveal number order. 18,999 79,999 80,001 © Hamilton Trust Term 1 Week 1 Day 2
© Hamilton Trust Term 1 Week 1 Day 2 Place Value – Get Set… Activity Roll a 0-9 dice 5 times to create 5 random digits. Use these digits to create four different 5-digit numbers, writing the numbers along one line of a page, leaving a space between each (remember that a number cannot start with a zero). Write <, > or = as necessary between each pair of numbers. Rewrite the numbers in order, smallest to largest. 1 6 7 3 2 31,267 62,317 27,136 31,276 31,267 < 62,317 > 27,136 < 31,276 smallest largest 27,136 31,267 31,276 62,317 Repeat with other sets of 5 random digits © Hamilton Trust Term 1 Week 1 Day 2
Place Value – Go! < < < < < < = Practice (i) Write <, > or = between each of these pairs of values. Number of website hits (am) Number of website hits (pm) 47,342 < < 40,002 < 32,846 < Click on answer space to reveal < or >. < < 33,642 58,567 = © Hamilton Trust Term 1 Week 1 Day 2
Write these sets of numbers in order, as directed Place Value – Go! Practice (ii) Write these sets of numbers in order, as directed 16,036 30,602 61,290 23,613 32,758 Smallest Largest Fill the gaps with three possible numbers Smallest Largest 10,026 12,945 60,001 Largest Smallest Fill the gaps with three possible numbers 59,847 Click arrow to go to answer slide. 19,910 11,001 10,999 19,901 11,010 Smallest Largest Answers © Hamilton Trust Term 1 Week 1 Day 2
Write these sets of numbers in order, as directed: Place Value – Go! 16,036 30,602 61,290 23,613 32,758 Smallest Largest Practice (ii) Answers Write these sets of numbers in order, as directed: 16,036 61,290 32,758 30,602 23,613 Fill the gaps with three possible numbers Smallest Largest 10,026 12,945 60,001 Largest Smallest Fill the gaps with three possible numbers 59,847 Click here for Challenge Answers 10,258 12,745 11,000 59,958 59,848 59,858 14,788 14,898 14,798 23,011 22,252 22,452 Click in answer boxes, top to bottom, left to right, to reveal ordered numbers. Challenge answers will overlay the first section. 19,910 11,001 10,999 19,901 11,010 Smallest Largest 10,999 19,910 19,901 11,010 11,001 © Hamilton Trust Term 1 Week 1 Day 2
Place Value Chart – Image Resource Back to lesson (Skill Drill) You may need: - mini whiteboards Back to lesson (Skill Drill) © Hamilton Trust Term 1 Week 1 Day 2