The UCBDD Strategic Plan 2017 -2019 Final The UCBDD Strategic Plan 2017 -2019
The UCBDD Mission and Vision Final The UCBDD Mission and Vision Mission: To facilitate Support and Services that Respect the Person and their Choices Vision: A Culture of Community Acceptance and Inclusion that allows everyone an Equal Opportunity to pursue a Fulfilling and Meaningful Life.
Final The UCBDD Core Values What we want to accomplish! (Primary Operational Characteristics) Excellence Customer Driven Collaboration Stewardship . Integrity Through the utilization of the Supporting Operational Characteristics, we can achieve the Primary Operation Characteristics.
Theme 1: Breaking Down Barriers Final Theme 1: Breaking Down Barriers Theme Approach Activity 1. Breaking down Barriers 1.1 Change the perception Activity Start Finish Effort 1.1.1 Change the perception of the relationship between UCO and UCBDD 2019 Q1 ONgoing High Cost and High effort 1.2. UCBDD’s Role 1.2.1 Create an environment that supports separation between facilitation and provision 2017 Q1 ongoing Low Control Item Goal Increase the number of trainings and opportunities and number of family members attending. 12/31/17 – Establish Baseline 12/31/18 – Increase from baseline by 30% 12/31/19 – Maintain levels of 2018 Participation in natural community events 12/31/17 – increase by 25% 12/31/18 – increase by 5% Participation in full community events 12/31/19 – Increase by 50% Client Satisfaction with opportunity for involvement in the community. Based upon CSI that will have a section on inclusion. "Awareness of Agency Support for Community Employment“ (top page 12 CMOR) 12/31/18 – Increase by 6% the number of people aware of support for CE 1.3. Setting Expectations 1.3.1. Establishing expectations with families/individuals/guardians - services, encourage independence, medicaid - Teach don't do 2017 Q2 ongoing Low 1.3.2. Establishing one message 2017 Q1 1.4. Educate the Community 1.4.1. Educate the community on UCBDD Vision and DD Services (inclusive of the schools) 2017 Q1 1.4.2. Community celebration to recognize those that demonstrate inclusion 2018 Q2 2019 Q2 High Cost and High Effort 1.5. Strengthen the Providers 1.5.1. Strengthen providers - improve support of inclusion, establish higher expectations for the providers 2018 Q1 Ongoing Medium 1.6. Foster an environment of inclusion 1.6.1. Foster an environment of inclusion thru mainstreaming in the schools 2018 Q1
High Cost and High effort Final Theme 2: Expand a culture of collaboration throughout the community that naturally supports people Theme Approach Activity 2. Expand a culture of collaboration throughout the community that naturally supports people 2.1. County Pre-school Activity Start Finish Effort 2.1.1. Integrated Pre-school 2018 Q1 2019 Q4 High Cost and High effort 2.2. Privatization 2.2.1.Privtize Community Employment 2017 Q1 2017 Q4 Medium 2.2.2. Create provider consortium to id more diverse opportunities 2018 Q2 Control Item Goal Number of Children Screened Increase by 2% annually Individuals living with non- eligible roommates 12/31/2019 – 5 individuals Transportation Options Increase by 10 % annually Prior-authorization Plans Decrease Cost 10% 2.3. Increase capacity of Providers in Union County 2.3.1. Improve system capacity of Medicaid and state certified providers in Union County 2017 Q1 2019 Q4 Medium 2.4. Increase availability of services in Union County 2.4.1. Working within the community in creation of solutions for infrastructure issues (transportation, housing) 2017 Q1 2019 Q4 Low 2.4.2. Collaborate with school systems to expand services. 2018 Q1 ongoing 2.4.3. Create an avenue for screening children from 0-6 2018 Q3 2.4.4. Partner with MH professional to provide home based services for families 0-3 2017 Q4 2019 Q1 2.4.5. Program that provides in home parenting education
Theme 3: Creatively address the needs of individuals Final Theme 3: Creatively address the needs of individuals Theme Approach Activity 3. Creatively address the needs of individuals 3.1. Options and Interests Activity Start Finish Effort 3.3.3. Develop individual employment options based on interest 2017 Q3 Low 3.3.2. Develop individual recreation community options based on interest (Nick M to lead activity) 2018 Q1 2019 Q4 3.3.3. Project success on a larger scale 2018 Q4 3.3.4. Work with teams from MH, providers, COYC to create approaches without regard to funding sources. 2017 Q1 ongoing Medium 3.3.5. UCBDD support (financially, resources) community activities and encourage people to participate ongiong High Control Item Goal Decrease # of restrictions in ISP 2% annually Cost of individual service plans with a prior authorization 12/31/19 – 10% decrease in cost Unapproved behavior MUIs 2% annual reduction Number of mental health hospitalizations and/or number of law enforcement involvements. 3.2. Trauma Responsive Agency 3.2.1. Train all staff and providers on trauma informed practices 2017 Q1 2018 Q4 High 3.3. Family Mentoring 3.3.1. Parent / guardian mentoring / transition mentoring 2019 Q1 2019 Q4 Low 3.3.2. Training opportunities based upon family needs/request 2018 Q1 Medium
Theme 4: Develop an organizational culture that is proactive to change Final Theme 4: Develop an organizational culture that is proactive to change Theme Approach Activity 4. Develop an organizational culture that is proactive to change 4.1. Handling the future Activity Start Finish Effort 4.1.1. Development of a long-term facility plan 2017 Q1 2017 Q4 Medium 4.2. Communications / Internal culture 4.2.1. Develop communication flow that is 2 way and is based upon relevancy of information 2017 Q1 2017 Q4 Medium 4.2.2. One message, one voice 4.2.3. Bottom up effort to promote culture change Control Item Goal Employee Turnover Less than 5% annually Employee satisfaction Improve average response to 4.0 from 3.72 Employee Performance reviews 2% Improvement annually?? 4.3. Improve productivity of the agency 4.3.1. HR procedures for hiring and onboarding 2017 Q1 2018 Q3 Medium 4.3.2. Make available personal growth training onsite 2017 Q3 High 4.3.3. Career Paths for staff 2017 Q2 2017 Q4 4.3.4. Adopt and train staff on continuous improvement techniques (4.3.2 – Pre-requisite) 2018 Q4 4.4. Employee recognition 4.4.1. Employee recognition programs 2018 Q1 2018 Q4 Medium