Name: Name: Name: 2 Great things about me as a reader! 2 goals I have as a reader: Name: 2 Great things about me as a reader! 2 goals I have as a reader: Name: 2 Great things about me as a reader! 2 goals I have as a reader:
Name: Name: Name: Books I’ve read Books I’ve read Books I’ve read
Name: Name: Name: Book title: Author: Book title: Author: Book title: One word to describe this book: Who would you recommend this book to? Name: Book title: Author: One word to describe this book: Who would you recommend this book to? Name: Book title: Author: One word to describe this book: Who would you recommend this book to?
Name: Name: Name: Book title: Book title: Book title: Author: Author: The main character is: Draw a picture to show the character Name: Book title: Author: The setting is: Draw a picture to show the setting Name: Book title: Author: The problem is: Draw a picture to show the character The solution is: