Welcome to Curriculum Night and the 2016-20167 school year Lauren Gray Language Arts
What is the curriculum? Writing Reading Speaking Listening Higher level thinking
Resources Grammar ninja! Online text: classzone.com Class Set Online text: classzone.com Activation code:3532040-20 Grammar ninja!
How will your child be graded? Major – 4o% (research, summative tasks, test, essays, major projects) Minor – 30% (quizzes, journals, minor projects) Vocabulary 15% Classwork – 10% Homework – 5%
ParentVUE Make sure that you are signed up for this service. Allows you to check your student’s grades Set up notifications Late work Missing work Grade average
Homework Policy Homework is due the day it is assigned. Homework not turned in on the due date will receive a grade of 0%
Counselors Our counselors can be reached using the following numbers: (770) 578-7228 (770) 578-7225 6th Grade School Counselor - Lara Salzman (ext.230) 7th Grade School Counselor - Jeni Norris (ext. 232) 8th Grade School Counselor - Travis Schmid (ext. 231)
It is the student’s responsibility to find out any missing assignments Check the blog - http://www.cobblearning.net/laurengray or find it from the HTMS website Ask a friend Check on bulletin board for missing assignments Talk to me
We encourage your students to ask questions, and we welcome any questions from you ---tonight or any other time. e-mail me at lauren.gray@cobbk12.org
Remind 101 On your iPhone or Android phone, Text to 81010 open your web browser and go to the following link: rmd.at/lagray TO: 81010 Text to 81010 Message: @lagray Message @lagray
Help Sessions: 8:15 Thursday mornings Language Arts/ Reading