Fever Week 3 (Week 7) 9/19-9/23 Mon: Library Day Tues: Notes on Introduction, Write 1st paragraph, Read Chap 12-13 Wed: Chapter 14-17, Rough Draft Writing Thurs: Chapter 11-15 Worksheet due tomorrow, Read Chapter 18-19, Rough Draft Writing FRIDAY: Free Read Friday (either Fever catch up or independent novel)
ALL MISSING/INCOMPLETE WORK IS Tuesday AGENDA! Get a new piece of paper for this week’s Flashbacks. Write your name, class #, and Week 7 Flashback: What is a noun? What is a subject? Bell Ringer: What is one way you could “hook” your reader at the beginning of a story? ALL MISSING/INCOMPLETE WORK IS DUE WEDNESDAY 9/21
ANSWERS FLASHBACK: A Noun is a person place or thing. A Subject is the topic of your sentence. BELL RINGER: Begin with dialogue Begin with action Flash forward then backward
Learning Target I can write an introduction to my story. RL 8.10
TAKE NOTES! – Write what’s in blue *How to start my story… Snapshot Setting – begin by descriptively describing the setting so your readers can put themselves in your story. Example: The huge vines wrapped around the ancient trees. The leaves were so thick, they blocked out any remaining light to the trembling forest floor.
2. Snapshot Character Describe your main character’s most important features and characteristics. Example: At 6 feet 5 inches, Brandon towered above the others. His blue-green eyes searched the night for the sound, but he saw nothing.
3. Foreshadowing Begin by offering hints of what will happen later in the story. Don’t be too obvious. Example: If only Brandon had known the danger that awaited him before he stepped into the forest.
4. Use Dialogue Begin the story by having one or more characters speak out loud or internally. Example: “Don’t go in there!” Sarah screamed. But Brandon had already made it 6 feet into the deep dark forest. “I’ll be fine! Trust me” he replied as his voice faded.
5. Jump into the Action! Put your reader right into the middle of suspense. Then either flashback or pause and describe background info. Example: Sweat dripped down Brandon’s face and hands as he crept through the dense trees. He heard a slight croak coming from up ahead behind the bushes. “How did I get here?” He began recalling the events that lead up to the fateful trek through haunted forest. Last week Sarah had warned…
Write ONLY your 1st paragraph to open your story. SKIP LINES! USE PENCIL! Keep everything in your Narrative Folder. Do not staple anything. Be sure your name is on all pieces. When you finish, read Chapter 12-13 in Fever.
ALL MISSING/INCOMPLETE WORK IS DUE Wednesday AGENDA! Flashback: What is a verb? What is a predicate? Bell Ringer: When would be a good time to use dialogue, and when would be a bad time to use dialogue in your story? ALL MISSING/INCOMPLETE WORK IS DUE
ANSWERS FLASHBACK: A verb shows action. The predicate is a verb or verb phrase that shows what the subject does in the sentence. BELL RINGER: A good time to use dialogue would be when there is action or conflict in the story. A bad time to use dialogue would be if you are trying to describe the setting.
Learning Target I can write narratively. RL 8.10
Continue writing your rough draft. Use your brainstorming and prewrite plot. SKIP LINES! USE PENCIL! Keep everything in your Narrative Folder. Do not staple anything. Be sure your name is on all pieces. When you finish, read Chapter 14-17 in Fever. Work on your Chap 11-15 worksheet (Due FRIDAY)
Thursday AGENDA! Flashback: In the following sentence, underline the complete subject. Circle all nouns. Box the verb. Highlight the predicate. The swift stream soaked my socks. Bell Ringer: What is an effective and memorable way to conclude a story?
ANSWERS FLASHBACK: The swift stream soaked my socks. BELL RINGER: A good story ending could have a moral or lesson that the reader reflects on at the end.
Learning Target I can write narratively.
TAKE NOTES! – Write what’s in blue Ways to End A Narrative 1. Circle Back – end with how you began, either with the same setting, idea, or even exact words if they connect to your theme.
Ways to End A Narrative 2. Surprise Ending! – Give the ending a twist that your reader didn’t expect.
Ways to End A Narrative 3. Lesson or Moral – the main character grows changes or learns something
Ways to End A Narrative 4. Reflection – The narrator steps back and reflects on what just happened. Determine the importance of the experience.
Ways to End A Narrative 5. Cliffhanger – end by leaving the reader hanging and wanting to know or read more.
Ways to End A Narrative 6. Image – Ends with an important scene that the writer shows the reader through vivid, descriptive language and conveys a mood.
Ways to End A Narrative 7. Dialogue – ends with an important conversation or quote that captivates the audience and shows more depth in the character.
Finish Your Rough Draft. (DUE TOMORROW) Use your brainstorming and prewrite plot. SKIP LINES! USE PENCIL! Keep everything in your Narrative Folder. Do not staple anything. Be sure your name is on all pieces. When you finish, read Chapter 18-19 in Fever. Work on your Chap 11-15 worksheet (Due TOMORROW)
Friday AGENDA! Have your flashbacks and WS Chap. 11-15 out Be sure ALL PIECES are in your narrative folder Everyone needs a RED PEN
Learning Target I can read for enjoyment. RL 8.10
Be sure your name is on it! Grade your Flashback 2 points each ----- 1 COMPLETE sentence, and 1 for the answer 4 points per day (FB and BR) Be sure you write if you were absent. Total = + ___ / 12 Be sure your name is on it!
QUIZ! When you finish, turn it in and begin reading where you left off in Fever 1793.
Read Fever 1793 through Chapter 19. (Homework if you don’t finish). FREE READING FRIDAY! Read Fever 1793 through Chapter 19. (Homework if you don’t finish). Then read your own book. Expectations: Reading Silent Still Sit up ENJOY!