Undercover Boss??? Ride along . . . Work alongside . . . Watch what I do . . .
But Why?????
I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.
Nervous? Anxious? Tense?
Be at peace! In Christ’s cross, your guilt has been taken away.
The record of your sins has been erased.
Jesus is looking for reasons to say: “Well done!” (Matthew 25:23)
Already here on earth, we celebrate the new life Christ has won for us on Calvary’s cross.
Compelled by love, we work and relax, serve and lead.
On the day of the “big reveal,” we will see our Master face-to-face.
We will see his smile and enjoy the rewards he has planned from all eternity.
Today we honor . . . (insert names here)
Well done, good and faithful servants!