The Roaring Twenties and The Great Depression Regents Review The Roaring Twenties and The Great Depression
Economic Prosperity Automobile required new industry. Change in lifestyle. Mass consumption- buying on credit. New industries- household appliances.
Prohibition Poverty, crime and a break down of families caused it to be passed. 18th amendment banned the sale of alcoholic beverages. “Noble experiment” Created organized crime 21st repealed the 18th because it was “unenforceable”
Scopes Trial Tennessee outlaws the teaching of Darwin’s theory of evolution because it contradicted the bible. 1925 John Scopes, a biology teacher was arrested, tried and convicted of teaching evolution. Clash between new scientific thinking and older religious beliefs.
New Values Women- flappers- Right to vote Marathon dancing Heroes- Lindbergh- solo Atlantic flight, Babe Ruth. Radio, movies
Causes of the Great Depression Speculation- buying on margin Overproduction on farms and factories Uneven distribution of income American tariffs protected American markets. Stock market crashed Dust Bowl
Results Relief, Recover and Reform Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Securities and Exchange Commission Social Security Tennessee Valley Authority
Hoover Laissez Faire Market would repair itself Hoovervilles, Bonus Army March
FDR New Deal- government has responsibility of improving the economy. Presidents job to find a way back to prosperity. Fireside chats