Tackling housing challenges Involving People, Residents & the Community Lesley Baird TPAS Scotland
Who we are? Scotland's engagement experts Sister to Supporting Communities Glasgow, Inverness, Stirling & Stornoway Creating partnerships, strong tenants and communities Third sector
A view from Scotland Community Empowerment Scotland Act 2015 National standards for community engagement www.voicesscotland.org.uk Promote effective engagement & participation Community planning 32 Community Planning Partnerships Local Councils + HNS, Police, Fire etc Partners work to improve planning and co- ordination of local services Housing (in my view) and tenants (Definity) should have a seat at the table Local outcomes plan Locality plans Good practice principles to support and inform the process of community engagement and improve what happens. Originally launched in 2005 reviewed along with the introduction of Community empowerment Scotland Act 2015. Help communities achieve greater control and influence in the decisions and circumstances that affect their lives. Intended for use by public & private bodies and community organizations
Each standard includes a short headline statement, a set of indicators to show progress towards meeting the standard and some examples of good practice.
And…. Participation requests? Community groups or groups of people Can ask to start a discussion with public organisations No? not really Organisation must agree or give good reason why not Just because not enough! Yes? “outcome improvement process” discussion Sharing information views, perspectives and opinions Leads to improvement Schools, hospitals, transport, most local authority and public bodies such as police Scotland have a guide to p requests on their web site
But.. We have the legislation Not so much Not all doom and gloom So its working well everywhere Easy Not so much Need to hold our meetings in Hamden Tenants not interested at this high level It will take much longer if we involved tenants at this stage Tenants make tea Whose agenda/territory? Commercial vs community Not all doom and gloom Do we ask!
Works? Fife Council Local Community Consultation Group Demolition of multis New homes from Housing Assoc Local Community Consultation Group The Local Community Consultation Group established in May 2009 to oversee the consultation and development process. The Group met regularly and developed and implemented the consultation and participation strategy for the duration of the project The Group had input from the Community Council and Tenants Association. Pre-Planning Design Consultation A number of events were run to obtain views from the Community on the new development. Community-Walkabout Questionnaire issued to over 450 homes/organisations Drop in session where planning proposals were displayed Happy customers An improved area that is vibrant, welcoming and with good homes Newsletters, focus groups, all key players involved, tenants lead role, links with local primary and secondary schools
and Community connectors – base HA Community of interest Lead on locality planning Communities at the heart of local decision making Includes strong focus on engaging with folk who don’t normally Community of interest Tenants of a particular age Community regeneration plans Tenants a key partner Digital Anti poverty Pop ups Bacon, cake and fish suppers Words What happened to my views? Newsletters, focus groups, all key players involved, tenants lead role, links with local primary and secondary schools Time and money
THANK YOU lesley.baird@tpasscotland.org.uk