Airport Noise Modelling - Overview Noise at Airports Workshop Airport Regions Conference – 20 November 2015 Sharon MAHONY EUROCONTROL ENV Unit 20 November 2015
Airport noise modelling – What for? The only mean to assess airport noise impact on the surrounding population in a global manner Unlike a noise monitoring system, which records noise exposure on a limited number of specific locations around the airport A mean to evaluate how airport noise impact is likely to evolve in the future Based on traffic growth and fleet evolution forecasts Useful for land use planning purpose enter your presentation title
Airport noise modelling – What for? An essential mean to quantify the potential benefit of noise mitigation measures Operations restrictions (for the noisiest aircraft) Noise abatement procedures Also needed to evaluate the noise impact of any operational changes within the TMA in relation with other objectives (ex: safety, capacity) Route layout and usage modification New runway … enter your presentation title
enter your presentation title What is calculated? Noise contours Zones inside which noise exceeds a certain level threshold Different types of noise metrics Single operations: SEL, LAmax All operations: Lden, Lnight Other metrics Number of people inside the noise contours A post-processing activity Use of geographic information system (GIS) tools and population databases enter your presentation title
How airport noise is calculated? The recommended method to calculate airport noise contours is the one described in Volume 2 of the ECAC Doc.29 3rd Edition document Adopted method in the revised version of Annex II of the END 2002/49/EC Covers civil fixed-wing aircraft Helicopters and fighters are not covered Method relying on the use of Aircraft Noise and Performance (ANP) data Manufacturer-supplied ANP data for individual airframe-engine types Available online on a website hosted by EUROCONTROL enter your presentation title
Examples of airport noise models used in Europe National noise models: ANCON (UK) NLR model (Netherlands) NORTIM (Norway) These models are fully compliant with ECAC Doc.29 3rd Ed. but do not aim to be distributed Distributed noise model example: The US FAA’s Integrated Noise Model (INM) An historical model used by many European states Slight differences with the ECAC Doc.29 3rd Ed. method Not maintained anymore - replaced by AEDT enter your presentation title
Examples of airport noise models used in Europe European model The multi-airport STAPES noise model Jointly owned by EC, EASA and EUROCONTROL Fully compliant with ECAC Doc.29 3rd Ed. Accessible via the EUROCONTROL’s IMPACT web portal enter your presentation title
enter your presentation title Looking forward… ANCAT/AIRMOD is preparing the 4th Edition of ECAC Doc. 29 Updates and clarifications on the noise calculation method described in Volume 2 Drafting of a new Volume 3 related to modelling verification and validation Development of Reference Cases to check that a noise model software is compliant with the Doc.29 calculation method of Volume 2 Guidance on the validation of Doc.29 compliant noise models against actual noise measurements Development of a European helicopter noise model Publically available Funded by the EU Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme enter your presentation title