Spring 2018 Computer-Based Testing Training Materials Florida Standards Assessments (FSA) Grades 6-8/ELA Reading Grades 6–8 Mathematics Algebra 1 EOC Grade 8 Science Paper-Based Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (NGSSS) Civics
Navigating This Presentation In the slides that follow, the right portion of the header will indicate when slides are relevant to computer-based testing (CBT), paper-based testing (PBT), or both: CBT PBT PBT CBT
FSA CBT (Reading, Math & Algebra 1) Test Administration Manual PBT CBT Spring/Summer 2018 FSA CBT Manual includes instructions for administering CBT: Grades 8–10/Retake ELA Writing, Grades 4–10/Retake ELA Reading, Grades 3–8 Mathematics, and Algebra 1 (and Retake) and Geometry EOC Corrections: Mathematics scripts say for Session 2, give students the same reference sheet they used for Session 1. A new reference sheet may be provided for Session 2. See page 8 of the CBT Manual for the correct procedures.
Science Test Administration Manual Instructions for administering the Statewide Science Assessment are included in the Spring 2018 Grades 5 & 8 Statewide Science Assessment Test Administration Manual. Available at http://avocet.pearson.com/FL/Home
Civics EOC Test Administration Manual PBT CBT CBT Spring/Summer 2018 NGSSS EOC & Retakes Manual. Provides instructions for administering: FCAT 2.0 Reading Retake Biology 1 EOC Civics EOC U.S. History EOC
FSA Resources (Reading/Math/Algebra 1) PBT CBT School personnel should read and have access to the following materials, available on the FSA Portal only: Spring/Summer 2018 Scripts and Instructions for Administering Accommodated Computer-Based FSA Assessments (School Assessment Coordinators and Test Administrators) Spring/Summer 2018 Scripts and Instructions for Administering Accommodated Paper-Based FSA Assessments (School Assessment Coordinators and Test Administrators) TIDE User Guide (School Assessment Coordinators) Test Administrator User Guide (School Assessment Coordinators, Test Administrators, and Technology Coordinators)
NGSSS Resources (Civics) PBT CBT School personnel should read and have access to the following materials, available on the PearsonAccess Next portal at http://florida.pearsonaccessnext.com/: Avocet, an online resource guide (http://avocet.pearson.com/FL/Home), has been updated for Spring 2018 and is available for locating information on topics related to the Statewide Science Assessment, as well as FCAT 2.0 and NGSSS EOC assessments. 2017–2018 Florida PearsonAccess Next User Guide is a Florida- specific resource for the most common tasks in PearsonAccess Next for administering statewide NGSSS assessments. It can be found in Avocet at http://avocet.pearson.com/FL/Home#16266. Information and instructions for technology coordinators to follow before, during, and after testing are provided at https://support.assessment.pearson.com/display/FL/Florida+Informat ion.
Pearson Resources (Civics) Avocet An online resource guide, available for locating information on topics related to the FCAT 2.0 and NGSSS EOC assessments Support materials are located (e.g., scripts, forms, checklists) on http://avocet.pearson.com/FL/Home. 2017–2018 Florida PearsonAccess Next User Guide Step-by-step instructions for commonly performed school tasks in PearsonAccess Next available at Avocet website. Pearson Access Next Florida Resource Center Portal to locate resources for Pearson statewide assessments at http://florida.pearsonaccessnext.com/, to access test administration activities, training, and other resources. PearsonAccess Next (https://fl.pearsonaccessnext.com/) For PBT administrations, website to add new students, print the On-Demand PreID labels, and access the prepopulated Security Checklist.
Test Administration Schedule PBT CBT Grades Subject Testing Window 4-10 ELA Reading PBT: April 16 – May 4 CBT: April 16– May 18 3-8 Mathematics 8 Science May 1 Please refer to the CGMS testing plan for specific dates Any deviation from this schedule requires written approval from the Florida Department of Education.
Session Lengths by Subject FSA ELA Reading and Mathematics, & Science Test Administration Information PBT CBT Session Lengths by Subject FSA ELA Reading: The FSA ELA Reading assessments are administered in two sessions over two days. FSA Mathematics: Administered over two days. For Grades 6–8, Session 1 must be administered on Day 1 and Sessions 2 and 3 on Day 2. Grade(s) Session Length Number of Sessions 6–8 85 minutes 2 FL Statewide Science: Administered in 1 day Grade(s) Session Length Number of Sessions 8 80 minutes 2
EOC Assessments Test Administration Information PBT CBT Session Lengths by EOC Subject * Any student who has not completed an FSA EOC session by the end of the allotted time may continue working; however, each session may last no longer than half the length of a typical school day. ** Any student not finished by the end of the 160-minute NGSSS EOC test session may continue working; however, testing must be completed within the same school day. EOC Test Session Length Number of Sessions FSA Algebra 1 90 minutes* 2 NGSSS Civics 160 minutes** 1
Glossary PBT CBT CBT Test Tickets (FSA) or Student Authorization Tickets (NGSSS): Student test tickets contain login information for students. Each student must have a test ticket to log in to computer-based assessments. Test tickets are generated in TIDE or PearsonAccess Next and contain the following student information: district, school, last name, first name, date of birth, user name, grade, and ID (FLEID). Test Group Code is a unique, four-digit number generated by the school assessment used to identify groups of students tested together. Required for NGSSS (CBT and PBT) and FSA (PBT). FSA CBT tests use the Session ID as the group identifier.
FSA Glossary (Reading/Math/Algebra 1) PBT CBT FSA Portal: Resources and information for district and school personnel are located on the FSA Portal, which is accessed at www.FSAssessments.org. The portal includes links to the Test Information Distribution Engine (TIDE), Test Administrator (TA) Training Site, Test Delivery System (TDS), Assessment Viewing Application (AVA), and the FSA Reporting System. Secure Browser: The secure browser allows students to access the computer-based FSA assessments. This software must be installed on all computers or devices that will be used for student testing. Session ID: Session IDs are unique codes generated by the Test Administrator (TA) Interface. In addition to their first names and usernames, students use the Session ID to log in to computer- based FSA assessments.
NGSSS Glossary (CIVICS) PBT CBT PearsonAccess Next (www.fl.pearsonaccessnext.com) is a website used for test preparation, setup, administration, and reporting tasks for all FCAT 2.0/EOC testing. Pearson Access Next Training Center provides an opportunity to practice PearsonAccess Next tasks and is the means of managing the Infrastructure Trial in preparation for testing. TestNav 8 (TestNav) is the platform that Florida uses for FCAT 2.0 and NGSSS EOC computer-based statewide assessments.
NGSSS Glossary (CIVICS) CBT Proctor Caching is the process of loading test content locally on a computer for all FCAT 2.0/EOC computer-based testing at the school level.
Students to Be Tested CBT PBT All students enrolled in tested grade levels/subjects participate in the Spring 2018 FSA and NGSSS administration with or without accommodations, per Section 1008.22(3)(a), Florida Statutes (F.S.). Students must take the test(s) appropriate for the grade level/subject in which they are receiving instruction. For FSA ELA, students in all Grades must take the same grade-level test for both the ELA Writing and ELA Reading to receive an ELA score (i.e.Grade 8 for both Writing and Reading, etc.)
Students to Be Tested: ELL PBT CBT English Language Learners (ELLs) All ELLs participate in statewide assessments. Students who are identified as ELLs (Levels 1-4) must be provided with the allowable accommodations listed on Appendix A of the manuals. Important Note: Per District policy, All ELLs enrolled in tested grade levels and subjects are expected to participate in the statewide assessments no matter how long these students have been enrolled in a U.S. school. Cross out page 4 in FSA CBT manual that indicates that ELLs may be exempted from the FSA ELA test if they have been in the US less than one year.
Accommodation Types CBT PBT ESE/504 Accommodation Types Flexible Presentation Flexible Responding Flexible Scheduling Flexible Setting Assistive device(s) other than standard calculator ELL Accommodation Types Assistance in Heritage Language Approved Dictionary
Test Security Policies and Procedures PBT CBT Florida State Board of Education Rule 6A-10.042, FAC, was developed to meet the requirements of the Test Security Statute, s. 1008.24, F.S., and applies to anyone involved in the administration of a statewide assessment. The rule prohibits activities that may threaten the integrity of the test. Appendix C of the FSA and NGSSS CBT Manuals provides the full text of the Florida Test Security Statute and State Board of Education Rule. Please remember that inappropriate actions by school or district personnel can result in student or classroom invalidations, loss of teaching certification, and/or involvement of law enforcement.
Test Security Policies and Procedures PBT CBT Examples of prohibited activities include the following: Reading or viewing the passages or test items before, during, or after testing Revealing the passages or test items Copying the passages or test items Explaining or reading the passages or test items for students Changing or otherwise interfering with student responses to test items Copying or reading student responses Causing achievement of schools to be inaccurately measured or reported
Test Security Policies and Procedures PBT CBT After any administration, initial or make-up, secure materials (e.g., passage booklets, test tickets, used worksheets, used work folders) must be returned immediately to the school assessment coordinator and placed in locked storage. Secure materials must never be left unsecured and must not remain in classrooms or be taken off the school’s campus overnight. Any monitoring software that would allow test content on student computers/devices to be viewed or recorded on another computer or device during testing must be turned off.
Test Security Policies and Procedures PBT CBT Security Log Test administrators are required to maintain an accurate Security Log for each testing room. Anyone who enters a testing room for the purpose of monitoring a test must sign the log for that testing room: test administrators, proctors, and anyone who relieves a test administrator, even for a short break, regardless of how much time he or she spends monitoring a testing room.
Test Security Policies and Procedures PBT CBT Electronic Devices and Breaks Test administrators must be aware of the policy that students are NOT allowed to access electronic devices at any time during a test session, including breaks. If a student accesses his or her electronic device(s) during testing or a break, his or her test must be invalidated. Ensure to secure a student’s computer or device during a break. For short breaks (e.g., restroom), it is recommended that a visual block be applied to the student’s computer screen or device. For longer breaks, it is recommended that the student pause or exit the test. Students will have to resumed after the break to continue testing. (e.g., Re-locating to another room, Fire alarm etc.)
Test Security Policies and Procedures PBT CBT Testing Rules Acknowledgment Test administrators are instructed to contact and administrator if a student does not sign below the Testing Rules Acknowledgment. They will determine the appropriate course of action for handling a student who does not affirm the Testing Rules Acknowledgment. Any student who refuses to affirm the Testing Rules Acknowledgment should still be tested, but a record of the student’s refusal should be retained at the school.
Test Security Policies and Procedures PBT CBT Security Numbers Schools must maintain test security by using the PBT test material security numbers to account for all secure test materials before, during, and after test administration until the time they are returned to the contractor. The test administrator should also maintain a record of the security numbers for all test materials assigned to him or her. If a test administrator receives PBT materials that are not already listed, the security numbers of those materials must be added to this record with the names of the students to whom the test materials are assigned. The security number(s) of the document(s) assigned to and returned by each student should be recorded and verified at the completion of each day of testing.
Test Security Policies and Procedures PBT NGSSS Security Numbers All PBT accommodations (regular print, large print, braille, and one- item-per-page) and Reading Passage Booklets are secure documents and must be protected from loss, theft, or reproduction in any medium. A unique identification number and a barcode are printed on the front cover of all secure documents. The NGSSS security number consists of a nine-digit number followed by a check digit.
Test Security Policies and Procedures PBT CBT Test Irregularities Test administrators should report any test irregularities (e.g., disruptive students, loss of Internet connectivity) to the school assessment coordinator immediately. A test irregularity may include testing that is interrupted for an extended period of time due to a local technical malfunction or severe weather.
Test Security Policies and Procedures PBT CBT Security Breaches Test administrators should report possible breaches of test security (e.g., secure test content that has been photographed, copied, or otherwise recorded) to the school assessment coordinator immediately. If a security breach is identified, the school assessment coordinator must contact SAET at 305-995-7520. For all security breaches, a written report with supporting documentation must be submitted to SAET within 7 working days.
Test Security Policies and Procedures PBT CBT Invalidations The purpose of invalidation is to identify when the validity of test results has been compromised. Test administrators should discuss any situation involving possible invalidation with the school assessment coordinator, and the situation should be investigated immediately. For assistance identifying circumstances when invalidation is an appropriate course of action, review the guidelines in the Spring/Summer 2018 FSA and NGSSS CBT Manuals.
Test Administration CBT Materials: CBT Worksheets CBT Worksheets are one-page letter-sized worksheets. Students may use the front and back of the worksheet to take notes during each session of ELA Reading. The Testing Rules Acknowledgment is printed on the back of the CBT Worksheet. Distribute to students at the beginning of each ELA Reading test session. Ensure that students have enough desk space to use their worksheets. Each student must be given a new worksheet for each ELA Reading test session. OPTIONAL for the FCAT 2.0 Reading Retake, Civics, and US History EOC Assessments. Used worksheets are considered secure materials.
Test Administration CBT Materials: FSA and NGSSS Work Folders CBT Work Folders are four-page folders that students may use to work the problems. The Testing Rules Acknowledgment is printed on page 2. The last page of the folder (back cover) is printed with graph paper. Distribute to students at the beginning of each Mathematics and Algebra 1 EOC test session. Students should use the same work folder for Sessions 2 and 3 of Grades 6–8 FSA Mathematics. Used work folders are secure materials.
Test Administration CBT PBT Materials: FSA Scientific Calculators Grades 7 and 8 FSA Mathematics, Algebra 1, and Geometry EOC assessments include a calculator in the Test Delivery System (TDS). The calculator is only available for Sessions 2 and 3 of the Grades 7 and 8 Mathematics and for Session 2 of the EOCs. Handheld calculators will be provided to all students during Session 2 and (if applicable) Session 3 only. Students who will test using paper-based accommodations must be provided handheld FSA Scientific Calculators during the allowed session(s). The Calculator and Reference Sheet Policies for Florida Standards Assessments (FSA) Mathematics Assessments document, available on the FSA Portal, includes a list of required and prohibited calculator functionalities, as well as a list of FDOE- approved calculators for the 2017–2018 school year. Providing a calculator with prohibited functionality or in the wrong test session (Session 1) is cause for test invalidation.
Test Administration CBT PBT Materials: Four-Function Calculators (NGSSS) Each school should have an adequate supply of handheld four- function calculators, for all students taking the Biology 1 EOC Assessment. No other calculators may be used. TestNav has a built-in four-function calculator. Students may use the built-in calculator, or they may use a handheld four-function calculator. Students with visual impairments may use the approved large key/large display four-function calculators or approved talking four- function calculators.
Test Administration CBT PBT Materials: FSA Reference Sheets Reference sheets are provided for the Grades 6–8 FSA Mathematics and FSA EOC assessments in TDS for CBT. We will provide hardcopy reference sheets to students. After students complete the test, test administrators must collect all reference sheets. Used planning sheets are secure materials and must be kept in locked storage.
Statewide Science Test Materials PBT Statewide Science Test Materials Spring 2018 FL Statewide Science Grade 8 Statewide Science Assessment NGSSS Test Books Grade 8 Statewide Science Assessment NGSSS Answer Books Periodic Tables of the Elements Four-Function Calculators
Statewide Science Test Materials PBT Statewide Science Test Materials Periodic Tables (Grade 8 Science) Periodic tables are stand-alone pages and are shipped with test materials. Test administrators will distribute periodic tables on the day of the test, according to the directions in the scripts. Students may refer to them at any time during both sessions of the test. After students complete the test, the test administrator will collect all periodic tables. Used periodic tables are secure materials and must not be reused.
Test Security Policies and Procedures PBT Test Security Policies and Procedures Hazardous Materials If a secure document is soiled (e.g., with blood or vomit), the school assessment coordinator should email the security number, test name, and grade level to Mara Ugando at mugando@dadeschools.net. School personnel may transcribe responses into a replacement test and answer book. The damaged test and answer book should then be destroyed or disposed of in a secure manner (e.g., shredding, burning). Soiled test and answer books should not be returned with test materials.
Test Administration CBT PBT Materials: Headphones/Earbuds (FSA ELA Reading) Students must have headphones or earbuds for both sessions of ELA Reading. While there are no technical specifications for headphones or earbuds, please check the FSA System Requirements for Online Testing, available on the FSA Portal, for additional guidance. Headphones or earbuds will be checked to ensure that they work with the computer or device the students will use for the assessment prior to the first day of testing. Plug headphones or earbuds in and adjust system volume prior to launching the secure browser on each day of testing. A sound check is also built in to the assessment, and students are asked to verify that headphones and earbuds are working prior to entering the test.
Test Administration (Reading, Math & Algebra 1) CBT Test Administration (Reading, Math & Algebra 1) Print FSA Test Tickets Each student must have a test ticket to log in to computer- based FSA assessments. Test tickets are generated in TIDE and contain a student’s username, last name, first name, grade, date of birth, FLEID, district, and school. School assessment coordinators print test tickets. Distribute to test administrators on the day of testing. Test tickets are secure materials and must be stored in a secure location before and after testing.
Test Administration (Civics) CBT Print NGSSS Student Authorization Tickets Student Authorization Tickets are generated in PearsonAccess Next and contain a student’s last name, first name, date of birth, FLEID, username and password. The test administrator will give each student a ticket only after all students have entered the testing room, and all tickets must be collected before students leave the testing room.
Test Administration CBT PBT Security Checklist/Administration Record (FSA PBT and CBT and NGSSS-PBT)
Test Administration CBT PBT Seating Charts Test administrators are required to maintain an accurate seating chart for each group of students in their rooms during testing. Test administrators must record all information and that they create a new seating chart if the seating configuration changes during a test session. Create a new seating chart for make up sessions.
Test Administration CBT PBT Prepare Test Settings, Computers, and Devices Tests should be administered in a room that has comfortable seating, good lighting, and an appropriate temperature. Make sure that testing rooms are adequately ventilated and free of distractions. Sufficient work space should be provided for students to use worksheets, work folders, planning sheets, reference sheets, and passage booklets, periodic tables, and PBT accommodation materials, as applicable. Check the configuration of the testing rooms to make sure you will be able to provide a secure environment during testing. Students must not be able to easily view other students’ test materials or computer/device screens (install visual blocks; e.g., file folders taped to sides). Also, check for and remove all unauthorized visual aids posted in classrooms or affixed to student desks. Before each FSA test session, test administrators should launch the secure browser on each computer or device.
Test Administration CBT PBT Preparation and Training Communicate Testing Policies to Parents/Guardians and Students Electronic Devices Policy—If a student is found with an electronic device, his or her test will be invalidated. Testing Rules Acknowledgment—All tests include a Testing Rules Acknowledgment that reads: “I understand the testing rules that were just read to me. If I do not follow these rules, my test score may be invalidated.” Leaving Campus—If students leave campus before completing the test (for lunch, an appointment, illness, etc.), they will not be allowed to complete the test. Working Independently—Students are responsible for doing their own work during the test and for protecting their answers from being seen by others. If students are caught cheating during testing, their tests will be invalidated. Discussing Test Content after Testing—Please make sure that students understand this policy prior to testing, and remind them that discussing the items includes any kind of electronic communication, such as texting, emailing, or posting to blogs or social media websites, etc. Not intended to prevent students from discussing their testing experiences with their parents/families.
Test Administration CBT Arrange CBT Practice Tests for FSA and ePATs for NGSSS All students who will participate in a computer-based administration for the first time must participate in a practice test conducted at their school, with the exception of students who have already taken a practice test for a particular grade and subject (EOC assessments). The practice tests contain sample test items to prepare students for the computer- based assessments and will help familiarize you and your students with the CBT tools, as well as the process for responding to items. Students should practice on the type of computer or device they will use for testing (e.g., PC, tablet, laptop).
Test Administrators CBT PBT Distribute Test Materials: Each day of testing, you are responsible for providing each test administrator with the following test materials, as applicable: FSA FSA CBT Test tickets CBT Work folders or Worksheets Writing Planning sheets Reference Sheets (Grades 4–8 Mathematics and EOC only) Scientific Calculators (Grades 7–8 Sessions 2 and 3 and EOC Session 2 only) PBT Accommodations (regular print, large print, braille, OIPP) Writing or Reading Passage Booklets, as applicable Security Checklist/Administration Record Security Log and Seating Chart Test Group Code (PBT) NGSSS Student Authorization Tickets CBT Work folders (Biology) CBT Worksheets (Optional) Periodic Tables Four-Function Calculators (Biology EOC) PBT Accommodations (regular print, large print, braille, OIPP) Reading Passage Booklets, as applicable Advanced Session Roster (CBT) or Security Checklist/Administration Record (PBT) Security Log and Seating Chart Test Group Code Seal Code (FCAT 2.0 Reading Retake-Session 2 only)
CGMS Schedule of Activities Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday April 2 ODD Beginning of 4th grading period. 3 EVEN Faculty Meeting Testing Plan Presented to Faculty 4 ODD 5 EVEN Testing Q & A Session 6 ODD 9 EVEN 10 ODD 11 EVEN 12 ODD 13 EVEN 16 ODD 17 EVEN Periods (2,4,6) FSA Reading 6th Grade (Session 1) 18 ODD Periods (1,3,5) 6th Grade (Session 2) 19 EVEN Periods (4,6,8) 7th Grade 20 ODD Periods (3,5,7) 23 EVEN Periods (6,8,2) 8th Grade 24 ODD Periods (5,7,1) 25 EVEN Periods (8,2,4) FSA Math 26 ODD Periods (7,1,3) 6th Grade -Gen ED (Session 2 &3) 6th Grade- Ext (Session 2) 27 EVEN 6TH (Ext.) (Session 3) May 30 ODD 7th Grade Prepare rooms for Science Test 1 EVEN 7th Grade -Gen Ed (Session 2 &3) (7th Grade Ext. Session 2) FCAT Science (Session 1 &2) (Ext. Session 3) 8th Grade (Ext.) 3 EVEN 8th Grade- Gen Ed (Sessions 2&3) 7 EVEN 8 ODD Civics EOC Algebra 1 EOC
Period and Block Time # of minutes Block I 9:10 AM – 12:12 PM 178 mins. Block II 12:16 PM – 2:17 PM 89 mins. Block III 2:21 PM – 3: 50 PM
Thank you for ensuring secure and successful Spring 2018 FSA & NGSSS test administrations!