10 Lesson Intervention Lesson 1.ay © Andrew P. Johnson, Ph.D.
AY LESSON 1 1. Language Experience 2. Onset-rime 3. Cloze 4 AY LESSON 1 1. Language Experience 2. Onset-rime 3. Cloze 4. Sentence Guess-O-Rama 5. Fluency work 6. Replay analysis (paper)
2. Onset-rime
Phonogram 1. AY hay
Review Level I ay
pl -- ay play sl -- ay slay
sw -- ay sway fr -- ay fray
tr -- ay tray gr -- ay gray
pay day lay say may bay gray hay jay ray stay fray play ay
Level II ay
al -- ways always l -- ay -- er layer st -- ay -- ing staying spr -- ay -- ed sprayed
l -- ay -- off layoff s -- ay -- ing saying d -- ay – dr – ea - m daydream an -- y -- w - ay anyway
r -- un – w - ay runway pl -- ay -- off playoff Sw -- ay – ing swaying h -- igh -- w - ay highway
m -- ay -- be maybe d -- ay – c - are daycare p -- ay – l – oa - d payload dr -- ive -- w - ay driveway ay
maybe daycare payload driveway runway playoff swaying highway saying daydream anyway always layer staying sprayed
3. Cloze
AY 3. Cloze
The bridge is swaying back and f_ _ _ _ The bridge is swaying back and f_ _ _ _. The bridge is swaying back and forth. I always come h_ _ _ after school. I always come home after school. The c_ _ _ has three layers. The cake has three layers. I will be st _ _ _ _ _ home today. I will staying home today.
The plan ran o _ _ the runway. The plan ran off the runway The plan ran o _ _ the runway. The plan ran off the runway. She sprayed water all o _ _ _ me. She sprayed water all over me. I couldn’t hear what she was s _ _ _ _ _ to me. I couldn’t hear what she was saying to me. After the layoff, she was out of w _ _ _. After the layoff, she was out of work.
Sometimes I daydream in s_ _ _ _ _. Sometimes I daydream in school Sometimes I daydream in s_ _ _ _ _. Sometimes I daydream in school. The car was b _ _ _ _ _ _ out of the driveway. The car was backing out of the driveway. The plane carried a l_ _ _ _ payload. The plane carried a large payload. Maybe I’ll just go _ _ _ _. Maybe I’ll just go home.
. She was sp_ _ _ _ _ _ down the highway. She was speeding down the highway. She w_ _ _ _ _ at a daycare center taking care of kids. She worked at a daycare center taking care of kids. She was sick but she c _ _ _ to school anyway. She was sick but she came to school anyway. Did your team _ _ _ _ the playoff? Did your team make the playoff? .
4. Sentence Guess-O-Rama
Sentence Guess-O-Rama! Note: Students could either write these sentences in their journal, or guess and repeat verbally.
say did what you What What did What did you say?
maybe today home stay will I Maybe Maybe I Maybe I will Maybe I will stay Maybe I will stay home Maybe I will stay home today.
was back forth and swaying it It It was It was swaying It was swaying back It was swaying back and forth.
don’t to this game play want I I I don’t I don’t want to I don’t want to play I don’t want to play this game.
playing in was driveway I basketball the I was I was playing I was playing basketball I was playing basketball in I was playing basketball in the driveway.
5. Fluency work 6. Replay analysis (paper)
6. Word works: Replay analysis 6. Word works: Replay analysis. The student reads the 6 sentences into an audio recorder. The student listens to the recording and underlines any miscues. Review, re- read and record. The student listens and draws a line under any miscues. Repeat until fluency is achieved with no miscues. (If 6 sentences are overwhelming, start with 3 sentences.)
Replay Analysis Sentences Maybe I won’t go to school today. The plane carried a huge payload. I was sitting in class, daydreaming about playing baseball. She told me to go home, but I stayed here anyway. It’s cold so make sure you are wearing many layers of clothes. They sprayed fertilizer all over the lawn.