Welcome to 2nd Grade Curriculum Night!! This power point will be on your teacher’s website if you’d like to refer to it later
Working together to provide a quality education for your child!
Jacobson Website www.cusd80.com Email and Website www.cusd80.com/jacobson Staff tab Teacher’s name Notes Conferences Monthly Newsletters
Purple Folders Spelling and Math are sent home weekly (please keep in folder all week). Spelling is due on Friday. Reading homework is sent home daily and needs to be returned the following day. Please keep the Behavior Chart in your child’s folder.
Behavior Chart Lose a letter = loss of recess time Three letters during week = no Fun Friday 6 Pillars of Character Trustworthiness Caring Citizenship Responsibility Respect Fairness
Journeys Harcourt Houghton Mifflin Guided Reading Instruction Literature Circles Leveled Readers Functional Text College and Career Readiness Standards Read Alouds Accelerated Reading (AR)
6 Traits The Writing Process Daily Writing Lessons Journal Letters Reports Spelling – 16 words per week Dictation College and Career Readiness Standards
Math Rotations College and Career Readiness Standards Scott Foresman Math Madness Math Journals Math Facts
Inquiry Process Life Cycles Changes in Earth and Sky Seasons/Weather Water Cycle/Clouds Solid/Liquid/Gases Measurable Properties of Objects Science Fair People and Cultural Contributions Body Systems
Civics and Government Research Skills American History: Early Civilization Native Americans- Mound Builders American History: Revolution and New Nation Timelines Constitution and Bill of Rights World History- Revolution Holidays Around the World Traditions and Cultures Westward Expansion Current Events Famous Americans Geography Structure of Government, Current Political Leaders Environmental Resources Asian Civilizations (China, India, and Japan)
Daily observations Reading and Writing Conferences Graded Daily Work Formative Summative Progress Reports Report Cards Math Unit Pre/Post Tests
Birthday Celebrations Jacobson will no longer be accepting sugary treats for birthdays - Do not send cupcakes, doughnuts or other sugary food items - your items will not be delivered to the classroom or distributed to students. Students visit the principal’s office and receive a special gift Student’s name will be heard on the announcements Students may bring a small token pencil, eraser, etc. to pass out to classmates Parents may donate a book to their teacher in honor of the birthday If student brings in a treat it must be healthy (low-calorie) Join your child for lunch!
Tax Credit Please direct funds to your teacher’s classroom This $ is our only funding for field trips PTO Fundraisers Fun Run Read-a-thon
Field Trips Depending on the amount of your tax credit donations, these are the tentative field trips that we will be attending: Charlotte’s Web Play Slim Goodbody Science Museum Butterfly Wonderland
Please proceed to your teachers’ classroom for more info on your child’s individual classroom All questions will be answered in your classroom