Present perfect simple / continuous Hi, I´m your computer virus. I´m going to eat some letters in your e-mails. click to start the game click three times to get 3 prompts Click anywhere on the slide to go to the next one. click to see the correct answer Present perfect simple / continuous
I have been d……………. my bedroom. My hands are dirty. I have been d……………. my bedroom. decorated decorating decorate
I´m going on holiday to Africa. You know, I have never s……………. elephants. saw seeing seen
How long have we k….. each other? known know knew
I have been w…………… in the garden. I feel exhausted. I have been w…………… in the garden. worked working work
Where are you? I have been w……..…… for you for an hour! waited waiting wait
You aren´t dating David. What´s h…..…………? happen happening happened
I´ve h….….…..the skis since last winter. had been having having
I have been l ..………… London We moved flat. I have been l ..………… London for two weeks. lived been living living
Peter´s t…..………lots of photos at the party. took taking taken
My parents have been p…………. chess all the evening. play playing played
She´s always l…………..him. been loving loved loving
I haven´t told my parents ……….. for never yet
Tom´s been playing tennis.…………......last sumer. since for ever
I have been ….……………. in the rain. My hair is wet. I have been ….……………. in the rain. run running ran
I´ve p..…….… English exam! passing passed pass
It´s b..…..…….raining here since Sunday. being was been
Have you .....………met someone famous? ever never yet
Well, I´ve already c….….….….her. calling called been call
I need a new student ID card. I have l……..…… lost loosed loosing
How many articles about global warming have you r……........? reading read been reading
This house has been f…..………. recently. finished finishing finish
Our teacher´s been t……..…… for ten years. teaching taught teached
Has he studied international relations? No, he …………… didn´t have hasn´t hasn´t got
Have they met him? No, they …..……. have not hasn´t haven´t
That´s what my mum told me: “That´s enough! You ….……….been annoying me all day.“ are have haven´t
My brother……..………..eaten all my sweets. having have has
How many driving lessons have you .…..………..? been having had has
Jane´s …………..done her homework. for yet already
My Grandma´s b…………….three cakes so far. baking baked been baking