The Eastern Partnership Eastern dimension of the ENP
The Eastern Partnership: A new partnership to strengthen relations between EU and six partner countries: Armenia Azerbaijan Belarus Georgia the Republic of Moldova Ukraine
The Eastern Partnership seeks to Bring our partners closer to the EU Promote stability, good governance and economic development Eastern Partnership is EU strategic initiative that opens new chapter in relations with Eastern neighbours: Responds to the aspirations of these countries to get even closer to the EU and consolidate their statehood; Provides both: medium-term vision and detailed work-plan; Upgrades substantially EU’s engagement; Offers stronger and more practical support for acceleration of democratic and market-oriented reforms, legislative approximation and further economic integration; Demonstrates in practical way the EU’s solidarity; Promotes stability, good governance and economic development in the EU’s Eastern neighbourhood
Eastern Partnership = Stronger EU engagement with the Eastern partners In the mutual interest of the EU and of its Eastern partners Eastern Partnership is EU strategic initiative that opens new chapter in relations with Eastern neighbours: Responds to the aspirations of these countries to get even closer to the EU and consolidate their statehood; Provides both: medium-term vision and detailed work-plan; Upgrades substantially EU’s engagement; Offers stronger and more practical support for acceleration of democratic and market-oriented reforms, legislative approximation and further economic integration; Demonstrates in practical way the EU’s solidarity; Promotes stability, good governance and economic development in the EU’s Eastern neighbourhood
Basis of the Partnership = Shared values: Democracy and the rule of law Respect for human rights and basic freedoms Market economy and sustainable development
What do we propose bilaterally? 1. New contractual relations Association Agreements with the EU, based on shared values
2. Gradual integration into the EU economy Deep and comprehensive Free Trade Areas
3. Easier travel to the EU Long-term goal of full visa liberalisation
4. Energy security cooperation Interconnection and integration of energy markets
5. Regional development Pilot programmes based on EU cohesion policy
New ‘Comprehensive Institution Building Programmes’ Support the implementation of Association Agreements with the EU Based on a political commitment Focused on core institutions of partner countries Agreement driven: to help partner countries meet the pre-conditions for concluding an Association Agreement and a DCFTA and meet the commitments stemming from such agreements. Focused on core institutions: aimed at upgrading the institutional capacity of a very limited number of core institutions that are central in the AA and DCFTA. Comprehensive: to cover all the elements that can ensure that the targeted institutions are able to assume on their obligations stemming from the new agreements. Based on a clear commitment from partner countries: subject to a preceding political agreement and co-financing by the partner countries. Inclusive: open to support from other donors
What do we propose multilaterally? A new forum to: Present EU legislation and standards Share experience on reforms share experience and information on partner’s steps towards reforms accompanied by the EU; facilitate adoption of common positions and joint activities; discuss topics of common interest; present and explain EU legislation and standards to the partners to initiate structured approximation process. Increase the political visibility of the partners on the EU forum
Four thematic platforms Democracy, good governance & stability (including JLS) Economic integration and convergence with EU policies Energy security Contacts between people Democracy, good governance & stability (including JLS): Also covers electoral standards, media regulations, the fight against corruption, civil service reform, judicial and police cooperation, confidence building measures, security related issues etc. Economic integration and convergence with EU policies Trade and market related approximation, socio-economic development, poverty reduction, social inclusion, equal opportunities, health, environment and climate change Energy security Accelerated convergence of energy policies and legislation with EU, construction and rehabilitation of key energy infrastructure, support for the Southern energy corridor, extension of Odessa-Brody pipeline etc. Contacts between people Culture, support to NGOs, strengthen civil society, increase student and academic exchanges, better integration into 7th Framework Research Programme, joint media projects
Six flagship initiatives Integrated Border Management Programme SME Facility Regional electricity markets, improved energy efficiency and increased use of renewable energy sources Diversification of energy supplies Prevention of, preparedness for, and response to natural and man-made disasters Promotion of good environmental governance Integrated Border Management Programme: Alignment to EU standards, a prerequisite for progress on the mobility; SME Facility: Small and medium enterprises would receive stimulus through technical assistance, financial intermediaries, risk capital and loans; Regional electricity markets, improved energy efficiency and increased use of renewable energy sources This also includes the interlinking of the electricity grids; Southern energy corridor This is a key infrastructure initiative serving to diversify transit routes and sources of supply for the EU and its partners; Prevention of, preparedness for, and response to natural and man-made disasters Strengthen disaster management capacities and establish effective cooperation between the EU and the partner countries Promotion of good environmental governance
Platforms and panels First platform meetings took place in June 2009 Next round in October-November Under each platform, experts meet in panels to discuss specific issues. First meeting of panel on Integrated Border Management on 15 October 2009, Odessa, Ukraine Integrated Border Management Programme: Alignment to EU standards, a prerequisite for progress on the mobility; SME Facility: Small and medium enterprises would receive stimulus through technical assistance, financial intermediaries, risk capital and loans; Regional electricity markets, improved energy efficiency and increased use of renewable energy sources This also includes the interlinking of the electricity grids; Southern energy corridor This is a key infrastructure initiative serving to diversify transit routes and sources of supply for the EU and its partners; Prevention of, preparedness for, and response to natural and man-made disasters Strengthen disaster management capacities and establish effective cooperation between the EU and the partner countries Promotion of good environmental governance
Eastern Partnership meetings Summits every two years First summit: 7 May 2009, Prague Also involvement of other EU institutions (European Parliament, Committee of the Regions, European Economic and Social Committee, international organisations (Council of Europe, OSCE etc.), International Financial Institutions, private sector
Eastern Partnership meetings: Foreign ministers meetings once a year First meeting: 8 December 2009 EURO-NEAST parliamentary assembly Local and regional authorities’ assembly Also involvement of other EU institutions (European Parliament, Committee of the Regions, European Economic and Social Committee, international organisations (Council of Europe, OSCE etc.), International Financial Institutions, private sector
… and importantly Civil Society Forum Launch on 16-17 November 2009 in Brussels Also involvement of other EU institutions (European Parliament, Committee of the Regions, European Economic and Social Committee, international organisations (Council of Europe, OSCE etc.), International Financial Institutions, private sector
EC already provides substantial funding to Eastern partners 2007-2010 allocations: Armenia € 98.4 million Azerbaijan € 92 million Belarus € 21 million Georgia € 120.4 million (additional funding up to € 500 million to cope with the consequences of the crisis in August 2008), Moldova € 209.7 million Ukraine € 494 million Euro Additional funds are also available through regional and inter-regional programmes, Cross Border Cooperation, Neighbourhood Investment Facility
Funding will increase by 75% by 2013 Total annual EC funding for the six Eastern partners: € 450 million in 2008 € 785 million in 2013 50% of additional funds will be devoted to Comprehensive Institution Building Programmes (CIBs) 20%of additional funds will be spent or regional development When comparing 2008 (€450 million) to 2013 (€785 million) This will mean allocating a supplementary envelope of € 350 million in addition to the planned resources for the period 2010-2013 Moreover we will refocus €250 million that was already allocated to the ENP regional east programme to initiatives relevant for the implementation of the Eastern Partnership (Mid-Term Review under way).
Challenges ahead Consolidate statehood, democracy and good governance Address the risk of conflicts and instability Further advance economic integration and regulatory approximation with the EU
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