Students will identify structure and investigative powers of Congress Extra Congress Things Students will identify structure and investigative powers of Congress
Quorum The minimum number of members who must be present in order for official business to be done In the House – 218 In the Senate – 51 Students will identify structure and investigative powers of Congress
Leadership House Senate Speaker of the House Majority/Minority Leader Whips Senate Vice President President Pro Tempore Students will identify structure and investigative powers of Congress
Committees Standing Committees Subcommittees Select Committees Continue from one congress to the next Subcommittees A specialized committee within a committee Select Committees Formed for one specific reason Joint Committees Committees with members from both houses Conference Committees Set up to refine a bill passed in both houses of Congress Students will identify structure and investigative powers of Congress
Power to Investigate Standing committees and select committees may conduct investigations Most investigations go unnoticed Some are more visible like the 1998 Senate Finance Committee hearings on the collection methods of the IRS Investigation outcomes can vary, but most often they result in new legislation to deal with the issue Students will identify structure and investigative powers of Congress
Witnesses Witnesses have rights in the process, the same as in a trial because of Watkins v. United States Congress can issue a subpoena, a legal order to appear or produce requested documents If a witness does not tell the truth they can be charged with perjury Students will identify structure and investigative powers of Congress
Methods to get them to talk If a witness refuses to testify or cooperate they can be held in contempt of Congress Penalty can be 1-12 months in jail and $100-$1,000 fine Witnesses can be given immunity to reduce the fear of testifying Students will identify structure and investigative powers of Congress
Legislative Oversight The power of reviewing how effective the executive branch carries out the laws Congress passes A key part of checks and balances Oversight is formally defined by the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1970 Gives oversight powers formally to each standing committee Students will identify structure and investigative powers of Congress
Limits on Legislative Oversight Limited mostly by the lack of attention Congress pays to laws “Pass it and forget it” Not many votes to be gained from oversight Language of laws is vague, it makes it difficult to enforce Sometimes congress takes a liking to the agencies they oversee and allow a wider breadth of powers from the agencies Students will identify structure and investigative powers of Congress
Independent Counsel 1978 Ethics in Government Act allows an outside special prosecutor to investigate government officials Worry was that Congressional oversight has a potential to be biased and not faithfully execute their duties Used in the Clinton investigation that resulted in impeachment Currently being used in the Russia investigation Students will identify structure and investigative powers of Congress