The Lifecycle for The Church
The CDP district (our bias) Exists to create healthy growing churches that are transforming their communities for Christ through making disciples of lost people in the redeeming presence and power of Christ The local church will change the world…not a district
1 Corinthians Romans Ephesians Colossians The Church as a Body Paul repeatedly refers to the church as the body of Christ. 1 Corinthians Romans Ephesians Colossians
The Health of a Body Our Health can be measured if various ways. Physically Emotionally Relationally Spiritually Financially Every body has facets of both health and un-health The question is which predominates Your health is a continuum, so is that of the church Strength, Flexibility, Cardio, BMI
Four dimensions that measure church health: V - Vision R - Relationships M - Ministries S – Structure
Living Organism experience lifecycles (Biological/Sociological) People can have multiple lifecycles Growing up years (0—25) Maturing years (25—50) Wisdom years (50-70) Afterglow years (70+) Churches can also have multiple lifecycles Every 20-30 years
Lifecycles influence Health Health is different in different stages Adulthood Birth Death
V s R m
r v S M
Life Cycle of a Church Vision Relationships Ministries Structure Maturity Vision Relationships Ministries Structure Adolescence Empty Nest Vision Structure Childhood Vision……………Where are we going? Relationships…….Who is going with us? Ministry………….How do we get there? Structure………….What do we control? Old Age Birth Death
It takes Catalytic leaders To launch a new life cycle Birth Death
Where we see ourselves…
Lifecycles influence Leadership behaviors Di C S D iSC Di C i SC D i Maturity D S C Birth Death
Jerusalem Judea & Samaria Ends of the Earth Birth Death Acts 10 VR Acts 6.1-7 VRMS Acts 13.1-3 V Acts 15 Acts 4.32-37 VRM Acts 2.42-47 VR Acts 1.8 V Birth Death