TRMS Counseling Department Advisory Council Meeting All introduce ourselves Jennifer Moore Kelly Mitchell & Heather Haynes Thursday, 5/14/15
Our 2014-2015 Program Goals: Goal #1: Academic 100% of students scoring 810 or below on the reading section of the 2014 CRCT will meet academic promotion requirements. Goal #2: Academic 100% of students scoring 810 or below on the math section of the 2014 CRCT will meet academic promotion requirements. Goal #3: Attendance The number of students with 15 or more absences will decrease from the 2013-2014 school year.
Counseling Interventions for Academic Goals Individual Counseling Grade Monitoring Core Curriculum Delivery (Orientations & HS Articulation) Academic Success Small Groups Referrals to Tuesday or Thursday 8:20 Peer Leader Help Sessions After-school Math Peer Tutoring Sessions Support from 8th Grade Peer Leaders within the classroom Advisement Lessons Parent Consultation Teacher & Administrator Consultation at weekly Kid Talks SST/RTI Referral (if needed) Academic Support Resources on the TRMS Counseling Website
Results Data for Academic Goals As of 5/5/15, the chart below indicates the amount of our targeted students who are meeting academic promotion criteria:
Implications for Academic Goal Although pre and post evaluation data from academic small groups showed that students increased their knowledge, further interventions were needed to improve targeted students grades. We met with targeted students individually to monitor their grades, review promotion criteria, and re-emphasize study strategies learned during small group lessons. For all students in danger of not meeting promotion criteria, we completed Academic Status Reports and contacted parents to explain promotion criteria and summer school information. SST/RTI meetings were held as needed and classroom interventions were continually discussed at weekly kid talks. Next school year we plan to add students to our targeted groups after first semester based on grades and new enrollees. We will continue to offer our small groups.
Counseling Interventions for Attendance Goal Weekly attendance review Quarterly Local School Attendance Committee meetings with Counselors, School Social Worker & Principal Implementation of established attendance protocol (including individual counseling, attendance improvement plans, parent phone calls, attendance incentives and SARC meetings as needed)
Results Data for Attendance Goal As of May 5th, 81 students (5%) have missed 15 or more days of school (both excused and unexcused). Of the 81 students missing 15 or more days of school, only 5 students missed 15 or more unexcused days. Attendance Intervention Amount Number of Attendance Improvement Plans Written 70 Number of SARCS Held 18 DFCS/LIPT Involvement 6
Implications for Attendance Goal Our attendance management plan focused on students with unexcused absences. Based on our attendance data, we can draw the conclusion that while our attendance management protocol may not decrease excused absences, it certainly has an impact on unexcused absences. Next year we plan to continue our attendance management protocol. We will begin the year by touching base with students from this school year who had more than 10 unexcused absences.
How did we spend most of our time?
How does this compare to last school year? Session Type 2013-2014 2014-2015 Core Curriculum 8% 6% Counselor Task 33% 30% Individual Counseling 53% 56% Large Group Presentations 4% 5% Small Group Counseling 2% 3%
What do we usually talk to students about?
How does this compare to last school year? Topic 2013-2014 2014-2015 Academic 29% 36% Attendance 2% 4% Behavior 5% 7% Crisis 9% Life Skills 50% 42% Resources/Other 12%
Feedback After hearing all this information, what should be our top three priorities next school year?
Thanks so much for coming!! We’re only an email away if you need anything! Sixth Grade: Seventh Grade: Eighth Grade: Our next Advisory Council meeting will be held in November of 2015.