I can describe the difference between absolute and relative location. Unit 1 – SS Lesson 2 I can use cardinal directions to describe the relative location of a place. I can describe the difference between absolute and relative location.
Geographers Might Ask…. Where is your house located?
Absolute Location Absolute location is the exact location of a place. Ex: We use addresses to find the absolute location. Emily Georgoff 4691 Hunters Circle West Canton, MI 48188 Turn and talk – State the absolute location of YOUR house.
Geographers Might Ask…. What is the absolute location of your desk in Personsville?
Relative Location When we can’t give the exact address or location of a place, we give the relative location. Relative location is where a place is in relation to other places. Ex: My desk is near the door. My desk is under the Cat in the Hat sign. My desk is next to Wyatt’s desk. Turn and talk – Describe the relative location of YOUR desk.
Communities and States It is easier to describe a community or state’s relative location than its absolute location. We use cardinal directions to describe a larger region’s relative location: North East Never Eat Soggy Waffles South West
Can You Follow Directions? Directions Game – You will need: Crayons – Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, and Blue Directions page
Maps are pictures that show the location of something.
Michigan Location Group Activity List 5 different ways to describe the relative location of Michigan using the maps provided. Examples: Michigan is….. Michigan is….
I can describe the difference between absolute and relative location. Assess Yourself I can use cardinal directions to describe the relative location of a place. I can describe the difference between absolute and relative location.