Warm up – With a Partner 1) What images do you see in this picture? 2) What do you think is happening in this picture? 3) What do you think this picture is telling us about today’s lesson
Industrialization The Rise of Industry
Ideal conditions for Industrialization 3 ideal conditions in United States for Industrialization #1–Natural Resources Timber, Coal, Iron petroleum
Ideal conditions for Industrialization #2 – Human Resources Rapid Growth after Civil War Increased Immigration Why would you need a lot of people for factories?
Ideal conditions for Industrialization #3 - Transportation Resources Trains Train Trains Trains allowed for growth, product movement and communication
How were Inventions Changing America? Communications Bell (telephone) Transportation Westinghouse (air breaks), Duryea (gas powered auto), Wright (airplane) Daily Life Edison (light bulb), Cochrane(dishwasher)
In your Groups…. 1) From the previous list pick the 2 most important inventions 2) Explain why these 2 inventions were more important than the others AND how you feel they changed everyday life. 3) Get ready to share out in a few minutes ****EVERYBODY IN THE GROUP NEEDS TO MAKE THEIR ARGUMENT IN THEIR NOTEBOOK****
What is Laissez-Faire? Theory that states let people do as they please Less Government Regulation (especially business) Gov’t role is to protect property and maintaining peace
Quick Question Is the government’s only job to protect property and maintain peace? Why / Why Not
What’s a tariff Tariffs are taxes on imported goods Supposed to protect American business by making American products cheaper Contradicts Free Trade
Quick Question? How do you think laissez-faire economics promoted the growth of industrialization? Do you think this strategy is still relevant today? Could it help our economy? How?
Today’s Activity First: Read “New Inventions” on page 94 and create a chart highlighting the: #1) Invention #2) Inventor #3) How the invention might change America. Second: Look at your lives and create a list of the top five important inventions of from your lifetime (or the past 20 years or so) and why that invention is significant Third: Create a list of the top 5 inventions of all time and why you chose them