Opposites, PWW; WB 2; You can use the first pages with the pictures as lotto boards and use the squares with the words as cards. For the opposite lotto (b) you cut the last page (i.e. page with the ugly face) and make small square cards Preparation: Print all the sheets 8x. Page 3 till 6 are the lotto boards. Page 7-10 are the cards. On page 11 you find the cards for the opposite lotto. Mode to play: a) Lotto Give each child a board, Put the small square pictures/words into a bag. Take out a card and say what it is. The first student to say that she has it, gets it and covers the square on its board. Each child can then have a turn being the teacher, selecting the card and asking the question. This continues until one student has the whole board covered. Opposites Lotto. You give each child a lotto board and would make small square card with the pictures of the opposites. You put the square cards in a bag and ask; Who has the opposite of cold? The child with the opposite on his Lotto board says: I have the opposite of cold. It is hot. The child then places the card with the picture of cold on the board covering the picture of hot. Each child can then have a turn at being the teacher and asking the question.
Mode to play: b) Opposite Game (see also Botty Teacher Guide, page 38) You prepare a board (see picture). Each child can start wherever it wants to. The child roles the die and throws a 6, he moves forward (or backward) six places and lands on a picture or a word (e.g.. ugly). The child has to say: “The opposite of ugly is beautiful”, has to look for the picture, has to move to the picture and gets one disc. The child who reaches 10 discs first is the winner.
beautiful cheap clean cold dark hard light dry quiet long old slow
expensive hot ugly dirty light heavy wet easy noisy short new fast
full front blunt hard sour rough dark fat
back sharp soft empty thin sweet smooth light