Types of Soil
Essential Questions How are soils alike and different? How can we use soils attributes to describe them?
Key Terms Soil- mixture of minerals, water, air, and decaying organism Texture- the feel of something Particle size (grain size) – individual grains of sediment Attribute – characteristics
Rock Particles Each soil contains different rock particles The bigger the particle, the more easily water moves through the soil
Sand Feels: Gritty Rough Rock Particle Size: - LARGE We can see it with our eyes
Clay Feels: - Hard when dry Sticky when wet Rock Particles Small Packed Close together
Loam Composed of sand, silt, and clay Feels: Best for growing crops Soft Crumbly Best for growing crops Lots of nutrients
Silt Feels: Occurs: Particle Size: Powdery Soft Chemical weathering of rock Particle Size: Smaller than sandy particles
Essential Questions How are soils alike and different? How can we use soils attributes to describe them?
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