LAMAS Working Group 7-8 December 2016 Agenda Item 2.1 IESS FR – Recent developments and feasibility studies Eurostat
Background IESS FR currently discussed in Council Working Party on Statistics Three implementing regulations planned for the labour market domain: one LFS to be ready end 2017 + one on 3 LFS modules (transition to retirement; reconciliation between work and family life; young people on the labour market) one MUR Feasibility studies/testing: Until 2018 From 2019 onwards Eurostat
LAMAS exchange of views New list of feasibility studies/testing in room document: Countries added for some studies/testing Some actions added: 2017-2018: estimation procedures for INDECIL from 2019: proxy, incentives, attrition, automatic coding for NACE and ISCO Eurostat
LAMAS is invited to agree on the revised list of feasibility studies/ testing to be co-funded: before the adoption of the IESS FR i.e. in 2017 and 2018 from 2019, i.e. under Article 13 of the IESS FR Eurostat