Chapter 6: Contractarianism The writings of Thomas Hobbes Individuals are prior to society Conflict arises as separate individuals seek the same thing The state of nature is one of war – all against all The solution is peace The contract is the agreement to give up certain items to gain one’s own self- interest.
Chapter 6: Contractarianism Reading – The Leviathan Man has equality of strength Man has equality of hope Three primary causes of quarrel “Jus naturale” – the liberty of each man to use his own power for the preservation of his own nature. Key words - law of nature - liberty - contract
Chapter 6: Contractarianism Reading – The Leviathan Leading to Promise Leading to a Commonwealth Leading to the Great Leviathan
Chapter 6: Contractarianism Reading – Contractualism and Utilitarianism The central place of Utilitarianism Contractualism – an alternative The basis of moral appraisal is the goal of maximizing the sum of individual well being The “informed agreement” Continued contrasts between the two positions